Open Procurement Albania

Trajtimi i mbetjeve spitalore i ndarë në 2 Lote. Loti 1 - Trajtimi i mbetjeve infektive spitalore

A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.

  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
  • The Procuring Authority has disqualified all competitive operators with a bid lower than the winning bid

Contracted Institution Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier
Tenderer Institution Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier
Tender object Trajtimi i mbetjeve spitalore i ndarë në 2 Lote. Loti 1 - Trajtimi i mbetjeve infektive spitalore
Reference No. REF-43177-01-31-2018
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 13 747 200,00
Type of Contract
Procurement Method Open Procedure
Stage Procedure Signed the Contract
Tender Publication Date 01-02-2018
Last date of Submitted Documents 26-02-2018
Tender Held Date 26-02-2018
No. of Bidders 3
Bidders Eco Riciklim
Ecomedica & V.A.L.E Recycling
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • The winning bid ALL without vat 11 971 520,00
    Bidder Announcement date 13-06-2018
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT 14 365 824,00
    Contract date 14-06-2018
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 31-12-2018
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Appeals Ka pasur ankesa.
    Ankesat u paraqiten nga bashkimi i operatoreve “Ecomedica” sh.p.k & “V.A.L.E Recycling” sh.p.k dhe ju eshte dhene pergjigje nga KPP me vendimin nr. 388/2018, date 07.06.2018 administruar ne Spitalin Rajonal Fier me nr.1782, date 12.06.2018.
    Është skualifikuar ofertuesi i mëposhtëm:
    1. Bashkmi i operatoreve “Ecomedica” & “V.A.L.E Recycling”

    Nuk permbush kriteret e vecanta per kualifikim sipas DST.
    a) Operatori ekonomik “Ecomedica”, shpk Tirane nuk permbush kushtin lidhur me numrin e punonjesve, ku duhet te kete mesatarisht te pakten 10 punonjes te siguruar per ushtrimin e aktivitetit normal te shoqeruar me vertetim nga Administrata Tatimore per tre muajt e fundit Tetor – Nentor – Dhjetor 2017 (operatori ekonomik “V.A.L.E Recycling” sh.p.k Lezhe nuk ka paraqitur liste-pagesat e punonjesve per muajin dhjetor)
    b) nuk ka plotesuar kushtin per te paraqitur kontrata te ngjashme ne masen 40% te fondit limit sipas kerkesave te percaktuara ne DST sipas pikes 3.2 Kapaciteti ekonomik dhe financiar pika: 3.2.1 ( kontratat dhe faturat tatimore te paraqitura nga “Ecomedica” sh.p.k Tirane nuk jane konform ligjit pasi nuk jane te plotesuara me te gjitha ekstremitetet e nevojshme ligjore duke bere te pamundur vertetimin e bleresit te sherbimeve pasi jane te pa firmosuar dhe te pa vulosura nga “Bleresi ”)
    Cancellation reason
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Monitor treasury transaction for ECO RICIKLIM viti 2012-2013
    Monitor treasury transaction for ECO RICIKLIM viti 2014
    Monitor treasury transaction for ECO RICIKLIM viti 2015-2018
    Monitor treasury transaction for ECO RICIKLIM viti 2019-2020
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Technical Specification
    KPP Decision
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract Nr.25 - Dt.25-06-2018