Open Procurement Albania

"Shitje e skapit dhe vajit të KESH sh.a"

Seller authority
Auction Object Shitja publike me ankand e skapit dhe vajit të cilat ndodhen ne magazinat e Njësivë të Prodhimit HEC Fierzë, HEC Koman dhe HEc Vau Dejës. Vlera fillestare: 4,652,136 Lekë
Reference No.
Initial value ALL 4,652,140
Procurement Method Procedure e hapur
Auction Status Njoftuar fituesi
Auction announcement date in bulletin 09-11-2020
Last date of Submitted Documents
Auction held date 02-12-2020
No. of Bidders 3
Bidders Shijaku sh.p.k
AMA Mineral sh.p.k & Gerti Metal sh.p.k
Çekrezi Metal sh.p.k & Amos Oil sh.a
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • K91602003E -K87508801F
  • Awarded value ALL 4,652,460
    Bidder Announcement date
    Contract date
    Cancellation reason
    Auction place Korporata Elektroenrgjitike Shqiptare sh.a (KESH sh.a)
    Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement Nr.99 - Dt.09-11-2020
    Bidder Announcement Buletini Nr. 131 datë 31 Dhjetor 2020
    Signing of the Contract

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