Open Procurement Albania

Construction and Maintenance of the Milot–Balldre Road

Partner / Concesionary Ministria e Infrastruktures dhe Energjise
Contract's Object The main object of this procedure is granting the concession/PPP for the “Design, construction and maintenance of Milot–Balldre Road Segment”, according to the principle of “Turnkey Project”. The essential conditions of the Concession include but are not limited to the following:The object of the Concession/PPP contract:Construction and Maintenance of the Milot–Balldre road segment”
The duration of the Concession Contract/PPP: 13 years
Activities to be performed by the Concessionaire:“Projektimi, Ndërtimi dhe Mirëmbajtja e Aksit Rrugor Milot–Balldre” sipas standardeve të miratuara nga Autoriteti Kontraktues.
Sources of Concessionaire Revenues: An availability annual payment payable by the Contracting Authority for the Concessionaire, the level of which shall be determined in the bid submitted by the competitors. The first payment will be provided by the Contracting Authority when the Concessionaire has executed at least 25% of the works.
Applicable Legislation: The Concession Contract shall be governed by the legislation of the Republic of Albania.
Procurement Method Open Procedure
Concession's Status Cancelled Procurement
Concessionary Company
  • Last date of Submitted Documents 14-09-2018
    Concession's Held Date 14-09-2018
    No. of Bidders
    Bidders 1.“A.N.K” shpk
    Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • J92408001N
  • A. N. K.
  • Cost of Concession 161500000 Euro
    Concession's Duration 13
    Concession's Announcement Date 23-07-2018
    The winning bid ALL without vat 161500000 Euro
    Bidder Announcement date 09-10-2018
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT
    Contract date
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date
    Appeals Ankesa nuk ka
    Cancellation reason Në Raportin e Ministrisë së Financave dhe Ekonomisë-së për vitin 2023, bëhet e ditur se Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë në cilësinë e Autoritetit Kontraktues ka njoftuar shoqërinë “Bardh Konstruksion” sh.p.k., për zgjidhjen e kontratës së koncesionit si rezultat i mos përmbushjes së kushteve të kontratës së koncesionit PPP nga ana e Shoqërisë Koncesionare, parashikuar ne nenin 7 “Mos përmbushja e Kushteve Paraprake” si dhe ne pikën 4.2 të nenit 21 “Përmbyllja Financiare”. Për këtë kontratë janë paguar nga Buxheti i Shtetit 3.1 milionë Lekë për vitin buxhetor 2021.
    Public Announcement Bulletin
    Concessionaire Agreement/Acts

    Contract Notification
    Competitives Procedure Documentes
    Technical Information
    General Planimetry
    Longitudinal profile
    VKM for the Bonus Approval of "A.N.K"
    Concessions Winner
    Ligji Nr.52/2019 Per miratimin e kontrates se koncesionit

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