Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan 98 1040 2,432,682,769 622 2,186,083,511 1,906,458,257

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrate 2-F.V pajisje mobilimi spitalor per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve Signed the Contract SHAGA SHPK 7,990,200.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrate 1-F.V pajisje mobilimi spitalor per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve Signed the Contract SHAGA SHPK 7,990,200.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrate 1-F.V pajisje mjekesore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 15,266,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan F.V pajisje mobilimi spitalor per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve 8,782,687 Announced the Winner SHAGA SHPK 7,990,200.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan F.V pajisje mjekesore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve 16,216,067 Announced the Winner Biometric Albania SHPK 15,266,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje Materiale Ortopedike dhe Traumatologjike 4,324,102 Signed the Contract “T R I M E D” Shpk & “LAYO”Shpk 4,242,400.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje projekti per Rikonstruksionin e Godines se Pathologjise 6,673,221 Signed the Contract “ATELIER 4” Shpk & “KKG- PROJECT” Shpk 5,881,744.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Mirembajtje e pajisjeve te medha mjeksore CT Skaner dhe Rezonance Magnetike 26,344,800 Announced the Winner HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK 26,344,800.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrate 1-Grumbullim, trajtim, asgjesim I mbetjeve spitalore Signed the Contract ECO RICIKLIM 8,247,600.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Grumbullim, trajtim, asgjesim I mbetjeve spitalore 8,440,740 Announced the Winner ECO RICIKLIM 8,247,600.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Mirembajtje e pajisjeve te medha mjeksore CT Skaner dhe Rezonance Magnetike 9,755,340 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Mirembajtje e Impianistikes Spitalore 2,520,650 Signed the Contract CLIMACASA 2,372,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje pajisje mjeksore per sherbimin ORL 5,422,299 Signed the Contract Gen-Alb Farma SHPK 4,958,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje materiale mjeksore per sistemin terapeutik te kurimit te plageve 3,210,167 Signed the Contract Gen-Alb Farma SHPK 3,202,250.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrata 1 Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese per pajisjen radiologjike ne imazheri” Signed the Contract SAER MEDICAL SHPK
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese per pajisjen radiologjike ne imazheri” 1,512,000 Announced the Winner SAER MEDICAL SHPK 1,500,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Supervizim i Rikonstruksionit te Poliklinikes se Specialiteteve 1,585,357 Signed the Contract KKG PROJECT Shpk & IDEAL Design and Services Shpk 1,395,328.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Rikonstruksioni i Polikinikes se Specialiteteve Elbasan 137,896,180 Signed the Contract ERGI Shpk 135,380,607.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrata 1 Loti 2 Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese per pajisjen radiologjike ne Sallen e Operacionit Signed the Contract BNT Electronics SHPK
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 2 Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese per pajisjen radiologjike ne Sallen e Operacionit 1,800,000 Announced the Winner BNT Electronics SHPK 1,800,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 3 Filma dixhital per printer FUJI ose ekuivalent 990,000 Signed the Contract ALBAPHOTO SHPK 990,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 1 Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese per pajisjet radiologjike ne Imazheri 2,580,360 Cancelled Procurement
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje Filma Radiografi analoge dhe solucione 240,505 Announced Procurement
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrata 1 Loti 1 MM1 Blerje materiale mjekimi per nevoja spitalore Signed the Contract MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK 12,532,400.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrata 1 Loti 2 MM2 Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja spitalore Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 11,222,236.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Minikontrata 1 Loti 1 Goserelin acetate- 10.8 mg Signed the Contract TRIMED SHPK
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan “Blerje medikamenti” Gemcitabine 286,503 Announced the Winner MEGAPHARMA SHPK 286,500.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 1 MM1 Blerje materiale mjekimi per nevoja spitalore 12,733,700 Announced the Winner MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK 12,532,400.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 2 MM2 Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja spitalore 11,232,493 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 11,222,236.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje lende djegese per ngrohje pelet 8,252,268 Signed the Contract FA & BI SHPK 7,317,139.00