Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Saranda Hospital 46 472 146,384,274 299 125,356,775 102,358,778

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 6 - "Blerje fruta dhe perime" 95,648 Announced the Winner 4 S 1700 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 4- "Blerje ushqime koloniale" 122,259 Announced the Winner 4 S 8300 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 2- "Blerje bulmeti dhe nenprodukte te tij" 173,745 Announced the Winner 4 S 575 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 1 - "Blerje buke gruri " 91,667 Announced the Winner HYSI SHPK 59 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 5 - "Blerje veze" 27,338 Announced the Winner  SOFIA MYFTARI  14 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 3 - "Blerje mishi " 146,963 Signed the Contract  SOFIA MYFTARI  350 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Sherbimi i mirembajtjes se automjeteve 611,665 Signed the Contract FLADY PETROLEUM 604,150.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Blerhje Materiale Pastrimi per nevoja te DSHS Sarande 799,155 Announced the Winner MIFEEL  670,000.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 3 - Blerje material konsumi laboratorik per laboratore klinik biokimik 367,340 Announced the Winner GAMMA  4735.4   leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 2 – Blerje kite e reagente hematologjike per analizator SISMEX – KX-21 982,600 Signed the Contract SWISSMED SHPK 26,230.00  leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 1 - Blerje kite reagent per laboratorin klinik biokimik 216,750 Announced the Winner GAMMA  399.60   leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Pajisja e sistemit te gazrave mjekesore ne spitalin Sarande me aksesore te ndryshem 749,000 Announced the Winner GTS-Gazra Teknike Shqiptare sh.p.k. 749,000.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Dezinfektim,deratizim,dezinsektim te ambienteve te Spitalit Sarande Rishpallje 800,000 Announced the Winner  SOFIA MYFTARI  10.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Sherbim DDD (dezinfektim, dezinsektim, deratizim) 800,000 Announced the Winner
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital "Sherbimi i Evadimi te mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore, per Spitalin Sarande 1,675,000 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Lot 21 Sistemi kardiovaskular Amiodarone 150 mg/3 ml Ampule Signed the Contract Rejsi FARMA SHPK 73.63 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Lot 1 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin 250 IU/1ml Shiringe e para pergatitur Signed the Contract MEDICAMENTA SHPK 1900 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 21 Sistemi kardiovaskular Amiodarone 150 mg/3 ml Ampule 15,326 Announced the Winner Rejsi FARMA SHPK 73.63 leke per njesi.
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 1 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Amoxicilline 500 mg Kapsule 1,295 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 2 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid (125 mg 31.2 5mg)/5 ml - 100 ml Flakon 39,818 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 3 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Azithromycin 100 mg/5ml - 20 ml Flakon 5,256 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 4 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Flucloxacillin 500 mg Flakon 47,103 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 5 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Nystatine 100 000 UI Tablete vaginale 4,299 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 6 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Piperacillin + Tazobactam 4 gr + 500 mg Flakon 139,625 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 7 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Human Rabies Imunoglobuline 150 UI/ml - 2ml Flakon 345,079 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 8 Anestezi Reanimacion Ushqim parenteral total 1000 ml Flakon/ Ampule 4,050 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 9 Barna dermatologjike Ketoconazole 20 mg/g - 30 gr Tubet 1,102 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 10 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Povidon Iodine 200mg Ovule 749 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 11 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Dipyridamole 75 mg Tablete 1,752 Cancelled Procurement
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 12 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Ferrous sulphate 80 mg Tablete 1,235 Cancelled Procurement