A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Sh.A Ujesjelles Permet | ||||||||||
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Local Unit Përmet | Tender object | Blerje klor | ||||||||
Reference No. | REF-95440-11-22-2018 | ||||||||||
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | 1 774 502,00 | ||||||||||
Type of Contract | |||||||||||
Procurement Method | Request for Proposal | ||||||||||
Stage Procedure | Announced the Winner | ||||||||||
Tender Publication Date | 23-11-2018 | ||||||||||
Last date of Submitted Documents | 03-12-2018 | ||||||||||
Tender Held Date | 03-12-2018 | ||||||||||
No. of Bidders | 4 | ||||||||||
Bidders |
SOFIA MYFTARI ATLANTIK3 PAERA Albania Distribution Chem |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | 1 774 500,00 | ||||||||||
Bidder Announcement date | 21-02-2019 | ||||||||||
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT | |||||||||||
Contract date | |||||||||||
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date | 20 ditë | ||||||||||
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) | |||||||||||
Appeals |
Nuk ka pasur ankesa. Janë skualifikuar ofertuesit e mëposhtëm: 1. Albania Distribution Chem: Nuk ka paraqitur formularin e ofertes. 2. SOFIA MYFTARI: • Mosplotesim i kritereve ne lidhje me kapacitetin teknik(furnizime te ngjashme). 3. PAERA shpk: Mosplotesim i kritereve ne lidhje me kapacitetin teknik(furnizime te ngjashme)/firma nuk disponon dokumentat eqe jane kerkuar ne DST : -Licensa profesionale e shoqerise per tregëtim te mallrave objekt kontrate (Hipoklorit Kalciumi). -Pervoje te meparshme per furnizime te ngjashme,te kryera gjate tri viteve te fundit, ku vlera e transaksionit te jete jo me e vogel se 709.800 (Shtateqind e nente mije e teteqind) lek. |
Cancellation reason | |||||||||||
Additions | |||||||||||
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Public Announcement Bulletin |