A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Ndermarrja Sherbimeve Komunale Durres | ||||||||||||
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Local Unit Durrës | Tender object | Blerje Rroba Pune | ||||||||||
Reference No. | REF-56328-01-19-2023 | ||||||||||||
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | 5 997 650,00 | ||||||||||||
Type of Contract | |||||||||||||
Procurement Method | Simplified open procedure | ||||||||||||
Stage Procedure | Signed the Contract | ||||||||||||
Tender Publication Date | 20-01-2023 | ||||||||||||
Last date of Submitted Documents | 31-01-2023 | ||||||||||||
Tender Held Date | 31-01-2023 | ||||||||||||
No. of Bidders | 3 | ||||||||||||
Bidders |
1. Gentian Sadiku 2. Enea Masllavica 3. AN&RA |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | 5 986 850,00 | ||||||||||||
Bidder Announcement date | 03-02-2023 | ||||||||||||
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT | 7184220 | ||||||||||||
Contract date | 23-02-2023 | ||||||||||||
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date | Nga nënshkrimi i kontratës deri ne date 30.09.2023. | ||||||||||||
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) | |||||||||||||
Appeals |
Nuk ka pasur ankesa. Jane skualifikuar operatoret ekonomike te meposhtem: 1. Enea Masllavica, per arsye: -Xhupi 3 1 nuk permbush Specifikimet teknike sipas DST. -Certifikata e konformitetit te paraqitur nuk ka normativen EN 342. (certifikimi ndaj te ftohtit) -Xhupi 3 1 i dorezuar si moster nuk eshte i njejte me katalogun e paraqitur ne sistem , dhe nuk permban asnje informacion tjeter pervec mases. -Nuk ka paraqitur moster per produktin Doreza Sigurie. -Cizmet e paraqitura si moster nuk jane sipas specifikimeve teknike te kerkuara per kete produkt. 2. AN RA, per arsye: -Nuk ka paraqitur ne daten e hapjes se procedures per te paraqitur mostrat e kerkuara ne DST. -Nuk ka paraqitur raport testimet per mallrat Kepuce Sigurie, Pantallona dhe Xhakete. -Nuk ka paraqitur certifikate konformiteti per produktet Xhup 3 1 dhe Pelerine Shiu. -Nuk ka paraqitur skeda teknike 7 katalog per produktet e ofertuara. |
Cancellation reason | |||||||||||||
Additions | |||||||||||||
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Public Announcement Bulletin |