Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Peqin 163 475 1,952,386,095 301 1,734,818,078 1,674,317,702

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Peqin Supervision of workings for the object: Building of Ymer Beheluli Street 373,267 Signed the Contract IMES -D 36,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of lubricants (oil, grease, filters) for heavy machine tools - Financed by State Budget 1,082,700 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Leveling of the cemeteries square 40,000 Signed the Contract FAMSH-ALBANIA 36,500.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of vehicle for Peqin Municipality 2,083,330 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract AUTO A1 SHPK 2,070,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of Toners for printers and photocopies 310,000 Signed the Contract CITRUS 127,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of materials for Communal Enterprise 93,600 Signed the Contract ALVORA 85,400.00
Local Unit Peqin Rehabilitation of secondary channels of irrigation channel scheme of Peqin - Kavaja - State Budget 21,223,800 Announced the Winner ALKO-IMPEX General Construcion SHPK 18,065,832.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of furniture and equipment for offices furnishing - Municipality Budget 1,076,000 Signed the Contract ERZENI/SH 850,040.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of Computer hardware 1,250,000 Signed the Contract PC STORE SHPK 1,247,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of D1 gasoline 1,233,000 Signed the Contract KASTRATI 1,132,168.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of computer hardware 1,498,180 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of D1 Gasoline 126,000 Signed the Contract A&T 120,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of materials for adoption of Cultural Center Offices 220,000 Signed the Contract Denis Goga 166,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of gasoline D1 1,386,000 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of cleaning materials for Schools 667,000 Signed the Contract FATBARDHA AZIL ZACE 359,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Stationaries Purchase for Peqin Municipality 507,000 Signed the Contract EUROPRINTY GROUP 367,642.00
Local Unit Peqin purchase of Tonera pwr Municipalitynw Peqin 205,000 Signed the Contract CITRUS 138,700.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of firewood for Educational Institutions 1,514,700 Signed the Contract START CO SHPK 1,388,475.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of sand and granulated stone 19,000 Signed the Contract FAMSH-ALBANIA 17,400.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of materials for cemeteries fencing 40,000 Signed the Contract FAMSH-ALBANIA 35,900.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of sand and granulated stone 19,000 Signed the Contract DOKSANI-G SHPK 19,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of Materials for Communal Enterprise 93,600 Signed the Contract FAMSH-ALBANIA 92,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Purchase of submersible electro pumps 400,000 Signed the Contract Artur Goga 261,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Riparim i rruges Xhami, Njesia Administrative Pajove 591,442 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Për dhënien me qira nëpërmjet procedurës së konkurrimit publik të ekonomisë pyjore “Zalli Shkumbin”, fshati Përparim, Nj.A Përparim, në pronësi të Bashkisë Peqin, të ngastrës pyjore me Nr.pasurie 5/1, ZK. 2921, lloji “Pyll”, me sipërfaqe 7.7 ha, për agropylltari.
Afati i dhënies me qira të kësaj pasurie është 10 (dhjetë) vjet.
Vlera dysheme për detyrimin e qirasë, për fillimin e konkurrimit publik, është 77 000 (shtatëdhjetë e shtatëmijë) lekë/vit.
Announced the Winner BENORDO

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