Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Roskovec 282 911 3,536,325,443 663 3,189,838,796 3,138,690,204

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Roskovec Hartim projekti për ndërtesën e re të bashkisë 2,500,000 Signed the Contract AGMA studio 2,495,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje kostume popullore , per Pallatin e Kultures Roskovec 250,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Roskovec “Blerje materiale industriale” 432,550 Signed the Contract BERGIN 2013 368,900.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Ndertim tombino ne perroin e Allambrezit lagja Shabanaj – Ngjeqar” 503,697 Signed the Contract 2Z KONSTRUKSION SHPK 340,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Udhetim per shkembim eksperience ne Prishtine dhe Gjakove (17-18-19 nentor)” 430,000 Signed the Contract Adenis Pashaj 355,500.00
Local Unit Roskovec Supervision of facilities: Development project of Kuman center, Roskovec Municipality. Systemizing-asphalting of Kurjan village road. Reconstruction and construction of toilets in school premises in the Municipality of Roskovec. Construction of the roundabout on the eastern side of Roskovec ring. Reconstruction of Refat Çepele road and the road of No. 1 Neighborhood. Reconstruction of the Kindergarten road and fuel road. 2,406,300 Signed the Contract ANGERBA 2,380,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Purchase of material for repair of water supply lines of Roskovec, Luar, Jagodine 1,944,250 Signed the Contract SARK SHPK 1,932,140.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Blerje pajisje elektronike per drejtorine e sherbimeve publike dhe te planifikimit dhe zhvillimit te territorrit’ 249,333 Signed the Contract MEGA-PLAST-2L 216,619.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Larje pusi uji ne fshatin Suk 1, Njesia Administrative Strum” 250,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 230,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Reconstruction and Construction of Toilets inside school environments in Roskovec Municipality - Financed from the Regional Development Fund 11,458,300 Signed the Contract ALUERA SHPK 10,563,407.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Larje pusi uji ne fshatin Suk 1, Njesia Administrative Strum” 250,000 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 234,990.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Sherbim-vleresim paraprak per pronat qe do shpronesohen nga zbatimi i projektit ‘Rehabilitimi Urban i bllokut nr.2 ne Bashkine Roskovec” 250,000 Signed the Contract NOVATECH STUDIO 111,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje materiale elektronike për drejtorinë e shërbimeve publike dhe të planifikimit dhe zhvillimit të territorit 249,333 Signed the Contract EURO INFORM 194,900.00
Local Unit Roskovec Reconstruction of roads in Roskovec city, Lot 1: Reconstruction of Refat Çepele Street and Neighborhood No.1 Street - Financed from Roskovec Municipality Income 16,869,700 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SHKELQIMI 07 SHPK 16,009,095.00
Local Unit Roskovec Reconstruction of roads in Roskovec city, Lot 2: Reconstruction of the Kindergarten road and Fuel road - Financed from Roskovec Municipality income 6,720,990 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SHKELQIMI 07 SHPK 6,091,312.00
Local Unit Roskovec Installment of road signaling system at the entrance of Roskovec city - Financed from Municipality revenue 1,416,570 Signed the Contract COSTRUZIONI SERVIZI ITALIA 1,386,420.00
Local Unit Roskovec "Zhvillimi i festes se ullirit” 487,000 Signed the Contract Gruaja, Komuniteti, Mjedisi-Harmonizuar per Zhvill OJF 485,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Development project of Kuman Center, Roskovec Municipality - Financed from Regional Development Fund 25,456,900 Signed the Contract AJZBERG SHPK 24,000,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Hartim studimi gjeologjik per objektin “Rikonstruksion rruga “Kuman-Luar-Vidhisht” 250,000 Signed the Contract A.L.T.E.A. & GEOSTUDIO 2000 240,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Hartim studimi gjeologjik per objektin: Rikonstruksion rruga Kuman-Luar-Vidhisht 250,000 Signed the Contract A.SH. Engineering SHPK 225,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje leter format 181,250 Signed the Contract Aurel Brozi 120,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Sigurim dhe TPL per mjetet e Bashkise Roskovec 172,500 Signed the Contract INTERSIG VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP 172,254.00
Local Unit Roskovec Systemizing, Asphalting of Kurjan village street - Financed from Regional Development Fund 123,572,000 Announced the Winner FUSHA SHPK 119,863,242.00
Local Unit Roskovec Rehabilitation of irrigation Scheme. V-3 Suk -1 channel and the channel in Vlosh village - financed by the Roskovec Municipality income 900,000 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Roskovec Loti 2 : “Blerje Motokarro” 2,910,000 Signed the Contract SI & CO COMPANY 2,899,998.00
Local Unit Roskovec Construction of sewerage at Strum village, Roskovec Municipality 15,055,500 Announced the Winner GLAVENICA SHPK 14,503,314.00
Local Unit Roskovec Repairs in schools under the administration of Roskovec municipality - Financed from Roskovec Municipality revenues 9,436,500 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner Ardit – 06 SHPK 9,097,159.00
Local Unit Roskovec Building of pavement at Velmish village road - Financed from Roskovec Municipality revenues 11,352,800 Announced the Winner AJZBERG SHPK 10,653,599.00
Local Unit Roskovec Loti 1: “Blerje makineri -kamion” 1,650,000 Signed the Contract ERMIAL TRUCKS SHPK 1,620,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Reconstruction of Dushk road, Administrative Unit of Kurjan 4,730,660 Announced the Winner SHENDELLI SHPK 4,726,810.00

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