Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Berat 354 1,060 5,776,296,319 737 4,913,063,304 4,520,482,304

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Berat Hartim raporti gjeologjik 650,000 Signed the Contract BLENDI SHPK 300,000.00
Local Unit Berat Vaj 20-50 dhe antifrize 30,000 Signed the Contract TOP-OIL 21,500.00
Local Unit Berat Bateri 100 AM per MZSH 24,000 Signed the Contract PETREF DOBRONIKU 21,000.00
Local Unit Berat Supervizim ne objektin “Ujesjelles Prokopi – Paftal, Komuna Sinje, Berat 93,600 Signed the Contract "DRICONS" 18,500.00
Local Unit Berat Mbikqyrje punimesh Ndertim i linjes se furnizimit me uje per ujesjellesin Morave dhe linja Dushnik 58,799 Signed the Contract M.A.K Studio 17,500.00
Local Unit Berat Materiale elektrike per dekorin e Vitit te Ri 658,054 Signed the Contract Ledjan Shabanaj 510,000.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje kamiocine vetshkarkuese 799,600 Signed the Contract PUPA SHPK 774,000.00
Local Unit Berat Mbikqyrje punimesh Rikonstruksion &Adaptim zyra"Sherbimi i klientit"Berat 15,714 Signed the Contract ARENA MK 6,400.00
Local Unit Berat Ujësjellësi Prokopi-Paftal, njësia administrative Sinje 7,889,891 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract TOTILA & BOSHNJAKU SHPK 7,865,255.00
Local Unit Berat Fara lulesh dhe fidane me kubik per Ndermarje e Gjelberimit 319,700 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 268,900.00
Local Unit Berat Materiale ndihmese per Ndermarje e Gjelberimit 261,220 Signed the Contract BERGIN 2013 228,000.00
Local Unit Berat shtypshkrime 57,773 Signed the Contract Rama Graf SHPK 33,100.00
Local Unit Berat Plehra dhe pesticide per druret dekorativ, shkurret, lulet, barin etj 629,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 515,150.00
Local Unit Berat Pajisje kriptografike USB 10,373 Signed the Contract Mirjan Niço 9,833.00
Local Unit Berat Shtypshkrime per Drejtorine e Arsimit, Bashkia Berat 180,355 Signed the Contract Eno Serjanaj 128,500.00
Local Unit Berat Printim fotografish ne adeziv photo quality dheforex 88,125 Signed the Contract DELIA IMPEX 32,000.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje vegla pune 38,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 35,900.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje antidode 93,600 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Peme, fidane 665,080 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Blerje tubo KUZ 46,800 Signed the Contract BERGIN 2013 39,000.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje kamiocine vetshkarkuese 799,600 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Blerje mjet transportues Rimorkiator 901,724 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Berat Blerje tubo KUZ 46,800 Signed the Contract Dritan Xheka 46,000.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje bateri mjeti 13,000 Signed the Contract Tech Invest 11,200.00
Local Unit Berat Kolaudim në objektin “Mirëmbajtja e Kanaleve Ujitëse Ullinjas, Otllak, Gjoroven, Starove” 1,983 Signed the Contract A & E Engineering SHPK 1,250.00
Local Unit Berat Loti2: Dekori i qytetit - Financuar nga te ardhurat e Bashkise Berat 600,287 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled
Local Unit Berat Loti 3: Mirembajtja e lapidareve - Financuar nga te ardhurat e Bashkise Berat 23,622 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled
Local Unit Berat Për hartimin e projektit te zbatimit për objektin, Loti 1.Rikonstruksion i rrugës Antipatrea-segmenti nga Xhamia e Beqarit – Sheshi Harmonia Ftare dhe fasadave të ndërtesave në të dyja anët e saj 2,708,333 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Berat Loti 2. Trajtimi i fasadave dhe sistemi i ndricimit rrugor nga hyrja e qytetit deri në Uznove 2,291,667 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Berat Rikualifikim dhe rikonstruksion i rrugës Pyjore –Uznove ,vazhdim i rrugësSanta Lucia Filippine 1,666,666 Re-Proclaimed Procurement

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