Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Fier 60 119 4,193,609,898 97 3,864,748,499 3,427,799,328

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i ujësjellësave të njësisë administrative Cakran 30,898,314 Signed the Contract HARMONIA SHPK & MANE/S SHPK 26,463,616.00
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i rrugës ”Daullas –Grecalli-Mujalli, Njësia Administrative Qendër " 127,025,351 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract AGBES CONSTRUKSION 125,134,525.00
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i rrugës Qendër-Cakran Autostradë, Njësia Administrative Bashkia Fier 43,799,550 Signed the Contract RIVERA 2008 SHPK - K A C D E D J A  SHPK 31,734,593.00
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i shkollës 9 vjeçare Dino Ismaili, Levan, Bashkia Fier 21,880,600 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ALUERA SHPK-AGRI CONSTRUCTION SHPK 20,111,450.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Ndernenas water Supply - Hasturkas 19,356,600 Signed the Contract A.L-ASFALT 17,968,482.00
Local Unit Fier Urban Renewal of Ramiz Aranitasi boulevard - Regional Development Fund 172,464,000 Signed the Contract MODESTE SHPK– G.P.G.COMPANY SHPK 169,976,444.00
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i ujësjellesit Gorishove 9,194,141 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Fier Rikonstruksion i ujësjellësit Vjose 2,856,212 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Ymer Xhafa school in Dermenas, Fier 26,408,000 Signed the Contract ELIRA SHPK & ANADA SHPK 18,475,713.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of the Sewerage Network at Sheq i Madh neighborhood in Fier - financed from the budget of Fier Municipality 30,274,200 Signed the Contract Kola Invest SHPK & A R B E R I A SHA 26,933,650.00
Local Unit Fier Lot 3: Rehabilitation of Irrigation Network and Vjose Levan Fier channel - Rehabilitation of Secondary Channel - Martines Branch - Financed from the State Budget 129,362,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract BEAN SHPK + BELADI SHPK 120,686,108.00
Local Unit Fier Construction of the public market for agriculture and livestock products (Kryengritja Neighborhood in Fier) - Funded from the State Budget 45,974,500 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ALB-STAR 45,713,656.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Perikli Ikonomi school 36,851,900 Signed the Contract ARKONSTUDIO SHPK-Ed Konstruksion SHPK 35,909,100.00
Local Unit Fier Drilling of understudy wells 4R ( 7 ) and 2B in Kafaraj 4,791,160 Signed the Contract A.K.M 4,573,575.00
Local Unit Fier Lot 1: Rehabilitation of Irrigation Network and Vjose Levan Fier channel - Rehabilitation of Secondary Channel - Pojan Branch - Financed from the State Budget 88,221,700 Announced the Winner Riviera Shpk & Beqiri Shpk 79,391,365.00
Local Unit Fier Zevendesimi i kangjellave te mureve rrethues te shkollave 9- vjecare Andon Xoxa dhe Pinellopi Piro Fier 616,200 Signed the Contract Bujar Bundo 478,900.00
Local Unit Fier Revitalization of the park near Youth bar and rehabilitation of Dervish Hekali road 122,916,000 Signed the Contract 2T SHPK & Arberia SHA 119,775,700.00
Local Unit Fier Building of the city's central park, Rehabilitation of Xoxi Andoni street and the spaces around it - the State Budget 250,106,000 Signed the Contract AGBES CONSTRUKSION 249,146,882.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of schools facades at Administrative Unit - Financed from Fier Municipality Fund 9,666,340 Signed the Contract JOGI SHPK & Spektri SHPK 6,434,340.00
Local Unit Fier Development of relevance plans in the framework of the legal process for improvement and updating of the properties initial registry and their certification by AMTP - Financed from Municipality revenues 16,666,700 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract LORENCO & CO 16,568,000.00
Local Unit Fier Rehabilitation of Petove well 311,000 Signed the Contract INA 255,000.00
Local Unit Fier Lot 2:Rehabilitation of irrigation network with Vjosw- Levan- Fier channel, Rehabilitation of Secondary Channel, Dermenasi branch - Fier Municipality Fund 107,221,000 Signed the Contract SALILLARI SHPK 107,003,378.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of water depot 546,620 Signed the Contract BLEDI SHPK 314,000.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of water depot 546,620 Signed the Contract BLEDI SHPK 314,000.00
Local Unit Fier Contract addition: Reconstruction of the connecting road between a group of villages such as Mbyet, Plyk, Kraps, Lalar 20,000,000 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract ALB-STAR 20,000,000.00
Local Unit Fier Lot 1: Rehabilitation of irrigation network with Vjosw- Levan- Fier channel, Rehabilitation of Secondary Channel, Pojani branch - State Budget 88,221,700 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of the road and rehabilitation of the facades of Mujo Ulqinaku road 205,144,000 Signed the Contract AGBES CONSTRUKSION 197,993,101.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Agim-Ndernenas-Hasturkas road 243,125,000 Signed the Contract A.L – ASFALT SHPK & EURONDERTIMI 2000 SHPK 242,500,000.00
Local Unit Fier Contract supplement: Reconstruction of Janaq Kilica High School, Fier 4,131,970 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract Kola Invest SHPK&Kupa SHPK 4,131,968.00

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