Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Berat 60 117 3,559,500,505 98 3,406,388,139 3,087,255,765

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction and Adaption of the Offices for the Service to the Customer - Financed from the Institution income 1,914,160 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ZDRAVO 1,326,981.00
Local Unit Berat Ndërtim i linjës së furnizimit me ujë për ujsjellësin Morave dhe linja ne Dushnik 2,649,934 Signed the Contract BOSHNJAKU.B 2,556,500.00
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction of roads, sidewalks and lighting on 30th Anniversary neighborhood, Berat - financed by Berat Municipality income 68,177,100 Signed the Contract TOTILA & BOSHNJAKU SHPK 64,086,493.00
Local Unit Berat Supervizim ne objektin “Rikonstruksioni i rrugeve, trotuareve dhe ndricimit ne Lagjen 30 vjetori” 460,834 Signed the Contract C.E.C GROUP 9,900.00
Local Unit Berat Ndërtimi i linjës së furnizimit me ujë Uznove-Bilce për ujsjellsin e fshatit Bilce 4,166,666 Signed the Contract TOTILA & BOSHNJAKU SHPK 4,125,146.00
Local Unit Berat Supervizim ne objektin “Ujesjelles Prokopi – Paftal, Komuna Sinje, Berat 93,600 Signed the Contract "DRICONS" 18,500.00
Local Unit Berat Ujësjellësi Prokopi-Paftal, njësia administrative Sinje 7,889,891 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract TOTILA & BOSHNJAKU SHPK 7,865,255.00
Local Unit Berat Kolaudim në objektin “Mirëmbajtja e Kanaleve Ujitëse Ullinjas, Otllak, Gjoroven, Starove” 1,983 Signed the Contract A & E Engineering SHPK 1,250.00
Local Unit Berat Loti 1: Mirembajtja e varrezave publike dhe e varrezave te deshmoreve - Financuar nga te ardhurat e Bashkise Berat 2,862,160 Signed the Contract AB .ZOGA SHPK & PIENVIS SHPK 2,715,143.00
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction of the pavement, lighting and relay with asphalt layers of Antipatrea road, the Hanging Bridge Segment, Bridge of Gorica - Financed by the State Budget 46,342,600 Signed the Contract
Local Unit Berat Prokopi-Paftal water supply, Sije Administrative Unit - Funded from Municipality proceeds 7,486,650 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Berat “Supervizim ne objektin “Rikonstruksioni i trotuarit, ndricimit dhe rivesje me shtresa asfaltike, Rruga Antipatrea-Segmenti Ura e Varur-Ura e Gorices”” 434,060 Announced Procurement NOVATECH STUDIO 96,700.00
Local Unit Berat Kolaudim punimesh ne objektin “Rikonstruksion i ujesjellsit te fshatit Roshnik&Vojnik, Komuna Roshnik”” 187,236 Signed the Contract REAN 95 31,000.00
Local Unit Berat “Kolaudim ne objektin “Rikonstruksion i Biblotekes “Vexhi Buharaja” Berat” 30,900 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction of Old Stadium - New Stadium road, Stadium street and Koli Vesho street and the square in front of the stadium: Limit Fund is ALL 299 824 236 (one hundred and twenty four million and eight hundred twenty four thousand two hundred thirty-six) without VAT te full value and 124,985,829 (one hundred and twenty four million nine hundred and eighty five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine) ALL without VAT the partial value for 2016. 299,824,000 Signed the Contract G.P.G COMPANY SHPK& BOSHNJAKU SHPK 260,385,778.00
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction of the roof of Margarita Tutulani Cultural Center- Financed from Municipality revenues. 1,902,000 Signed the Contract LEON KONSTRUKSION SHPK 1,892,000.00
Local Unit Berat Stream slope protection from waters (Zagora Stream at Uznova Neighborhood, Berat) 562,805 Signed the Contract LAÇAJ 2007 455,000.00
Local Unit Berat Lot 3: Repair of Otllak irrigation channel 97,455 Announced the Winner ALFA 2 SHPK 70,520.00
Local Unit Berat Lot 1: irrigation channel Gjeroven-Starovw L=5514 ml - Financed from the State Budget 798,501 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Lot 2: irrigation channel BRU-27 Ullinjas L=4282 ml - Financed from the State Budget 341,256 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Berat Infrastructure facilities of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Protection for 2016, Muncipality Fund of Bilca, Berat 70,740,800 Signed the Contract BOSHNJAKU.B 61937927.5
Local Unit Berat Reconstruction of the bridge over the Stream of Axhensia square and Reconstruction and removal of alluvium at MCR stream 1,245,800 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SHKELQIMI 07 SHPK 849,481.00
Local Unit Berat Reconstructioni i Municipalitysw sw Re Berat 76,493,500 Signed the Contract LEON KONSTRUKSION SHPK 65289255.42
Local Unit Berat The reconstruction of urban spaces in the 30th Anniversary neighborhood 5,174,680 Signed the Contract “NGRACAN 1934” sh.p.k 2,992,975.00
Local Unit Berat Emergency intervention in the cemeteries of Suelas and Burdullias 1,567,550 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SHAMO CONSTRUCTION SHPK 1,192,530.00
Local Unit Berat Lot 3: Revitalization of Republika boulevard Teodor Muzaka central square 141,011,000 Signed the Contract G.P.G. COMPANY SHPK + LEON KONSTRUKSION SHPK 127,658,887.00
Local Unit Berat Requalification of Municipality entrance and reconstruction of new Municipality (basement floor) Berat 13,602,200 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled

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