Mirembajtje riparim sherbim per mjetet e transportit
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Local Unit Vlorë |
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Vlore Sh.A |
Tender object |
Mirembajtje riparim sherbim per mjetet e transportit.
Burimi i financimit: Nga të ardhurat e vetë shoqërisë. |
Reference No. |
REF-28749-11-08-2024 |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT |
12 300 000,00 |
Type of Contract |
Procurement Method |
Open Procedure |
Stage Procedure |
Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner |
Tender Publication Date |
11-11-2024 |
Last date of Submitted Documents |
26-11-2024 |
Tender Held Date |
26-11-2024 |
No. of Bidders |
2 |
Bidders |
2. ARTEO 2018 |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat |
12 114 370,00 |
Bidder Announcement date |
30-01-2025 |
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT |
Contract date |
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date |
12 muaj nga
momenti i nënshkrimit të kontratës. |
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) |
Appeals |
Nga pjesëmarrësit janë skualifikuar Ofertuesit e mëposhtëm:
1. ARTEO 2018 pasi ka paraqitur vetem Ekstraktin e regjistrit tregtar dhe asnje dokumentacion tjeter. OE nuk ka paraqitur as oferte ekonomike.
*Ne pritje te perfundimit te afatit te ankimimit. |
Cancellation reason |
Additions |
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Monitor treasury transaction for ANDI HAMO viti 2012-2013 Monitor treasury transaction for ANDI HAMO viti 2014 Monitor treasury transaction for ANDI HAMO viti 2015-2018 Monitor treasury transaction for ANDI HAMO viti 2019-2020
Public Announcement Bulletin |
Mirembajtje riparim sherbim per mjetet e transportit
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Local Unit Vlorë |
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Kanalizime Vlore |
Tender object |
Mirembajtje riparim sherbim per mjetet e transportit |
Reference No. |
REF-19529-09-13-2024 |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT |
12 300 000,00 |
Type of Contract |
Procurement Method |
Open Procedure |
Stage Procedure |
Cancelled Procurement |
Tender Publication Date |
16-09-2024 |
Last date of Submitted Documents |
01-10-2024 |
Tender Held Date |
01-10-2024 |
No. of Bidders |
Bidders |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat |
Bidder Announcement date |
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT |
Contract date |
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date |
365 dite |
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) |
Appeals |
Cancellation reason |
Nuk është paraqitur asnjë ofertë e përshtatshme në procedurat me një fazë. |
Additions |
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Public Announcement Bulletin |