Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
41 FLORFARMA SHPK 1541 1,076,303,489 1,536 1,075,176,828 729,413,165

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Lot 51 Omeprazole 40 mg Flakon/Ampule 10,653 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 8,400.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 5 - Streptomycin. 10,907 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 10,906.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 4 - Rifampicin+ Isoniazid. 1,972,105 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 1,969,094.40
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 3 - Pyrazinamid. 308,516 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 307,893.60
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 2 - Isoniazid. 765,565 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 764,064.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 1 - Ethambutol. 1,241,957 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 1,241,956.80
Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Blerje Medikamente per Spitalin Gramsh nga lidhja e kontrates deri me 15/04/2018 1,710,000 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 1,706,120.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Bulqiza Hospital Service Directorate of Bulqiza Blerje ilace ,materiale mjekesore, kite e reagente dhe filma per grafine 2,067,646 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 2,064,243.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 8 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Cefuroxim 1500 mg Flakon/Ampule Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 71,700.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 11 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Ciprofloxacine 200mg/100ml Flakon/Ampule Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 647,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 16 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Metronidazole 500 mg/100ml Flakon/Ampule Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 916,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 18 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Piperacillin +Tazobactam 4 gr + 500mg Flakon/Ampule Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 322,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 50 Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretes Omeprazole 40 mg Flakon/Ampule Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 53,200.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Blerje Materiale Mjekimi per Spitalin Gramsh 636,960 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 624,810.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 8 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 43,200.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 5 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 58,337.60
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 74 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 10,800.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 28 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 66,900.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 16 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 51,260.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 6 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 400,750.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 43 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 14,137.20
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 7 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 47,600.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 32 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 111,300.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje medikamente Loti 83 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 327,520.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 36 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 20,184.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 35 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 1,682,100.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 11 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 274,800.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Medikamente Lot 86 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 5,250.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 6 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Ceftazidime 1 gram Flakon/ Ampule 76,773 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 76,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 8 Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm Cefuroxime 1500 mg Flakon/ Ampule 143,519 Signed the Contract FLORFARMA SHPK 120,000.00