Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Regional Hospital of Durrës 101 968 2,448,437,285 541 1,727,530,549 1,438,124,065

Tenders list

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Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 3- Ferrous Sulphate 8,230 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 2-Ushqim parenteral total 40,500 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1- Human Rabies Immunoglobulin 69,016 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Blerje e barit Gadoteric Acid (as Meglumine Salt), per Spitalin Rajonal Durres 2,536,000 Announced Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 3: Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese Analizator Hormonesh 244,471 Announced the Winner LEKLI SHPK 3,845,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese e pajisjeve Drager 409,019 Announced the Winner MEDFAU SHPK 408,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2 - Pjese Kembimi per aparat Anestezie Siare ne Kirurgjine e Pergjithshme 598,000 Signed the Contract FEDOS SHPK 597,900.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1 - Aksesore per pajisje mjekesore 626,900 Signed the Contract FEDOS SHPK 626,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 8 Aciclovir 2,974 Announced the Winner TRIMED SHPK 14.8 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 7 Gadopentenic acid (as Dimeglumine salt) 1,391,250 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 6 Amidotrizoic acid, Meglumine salt Sodium amidotizoate 87,900 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 5 Iodine x 300mg/ml 1,487,500 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 3 Ferrous Sulphate 8,230 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot 1 Human Rabies Immunoglobulin 69,016 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Kontratë në bazë të një Marrëveshje Kuadër: Blerje Protoksid Azoti per Spitalin Rajonal Durres . Signed the Contract VITAL Z & D SHPK
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Mirembajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese e Respiratoreve Carefusion Viasys 935,573 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 15 Neostigmine bromide 433,944 Announced the Winner Ilma SHPK 433,944.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 6 Laboratori Mikrobiologjik 805,200 Announced the Winner Genius SHPK 19 383 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 5 Aparat per astrupogramen (ne perdorim terapia intensive) ose ekuivalent por kompatibel per aparatin qe disponon Laboratori i SRD 205,000 Announced the Winner Genius SHPK 701 000 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 3 Analiza Hormonale/Autoanalizator ose ekuivalent por kompatibel per aparatin qe disponon Laboratori i SRD 1,376,800 Announced the Winner Genius SHPK 294 150 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2 Analiza Klinike Hematologjike / Abacus 3 CT ose ekuivalent por kompatibel per aparatin qe disponon Laboratori i SRD 2,060,500 Announced the Winner Genius SHPK 29 512 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1 Laboratori Klinik-Biokimik / SAT 450 ose ekuivalent por kompatibel per aparatin qe disponon Laboratori i SRD 4,115,500 Announced the Winner Genius SHPK 385 660 leke per njesi.
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 3 - Pjese Kembimi per EKO SIEMENS tek Sherbimi Imazherise 441,700 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Blerje Materiale Hidraulike, per Ndricim dhe Aksesore Per Dyer dhe Dritare 999,180 Signed the Contract HYSI-2 F 823,750.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Furnizim me Pajisje Mjekimi (Materiale Komsumi) per Sherbimin e Ortopedise. 23,996,623 Announced the Winner
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 8 Laboratori Anatomopatologjise 703,000 Announced the Winner Farma Net Albania 22,820 leke per njesi
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 7 Materiale konsumi per kryerjen e procedurave laboratorike nga marrja e mostres deri ne rezultatin e analizes dhe kimikate 1,421,158 Announced the Winner Farma Net Albania 17467.65 leke per njesi
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 6 Elektrolite Easy Lyte Na/K/Ca pH ose ekuivalent por kompatibel per aparatin qe disponon Laboratori i SRD 278,500 Announced the Winner Biometric Albania SHPK 185,000 leke per njesi
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Furnizim vendosje llampe e Rontgenit dhe Konverter per Ct Scanner per Spitalin Rajonal Durres 11,207,182 Signed the Contract HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK 11,207,000.00