Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund 31 94 686,799,061 63 381,250,704 281,271,564

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj tonera per printera dhe fotokopje 9,099,219 Announced the Winner
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje karburanti 9,561,560 Cancelled Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj kancelarie 4,778,881 Announced the Winner IT Gjergji Kompjuter 4,134,375.65
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Mirembajtje e objekteve ndertimore 783,000 Announced the Winner ALVORA 499,800.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shtypshkrime Mjeku (Regjistra te Mjekut) 1,479,408 Signed the Contract KRISTALINA K-H SHPK 968,000.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerja e 1 (nje) bilete transporti ajror Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Mirmbajtje, riparim dhe vendosje e pjeseve te kembimit per automjetet e Fondit 2,708,886 Announced the Winner ALSTEZO SHPK 2,691,000.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj tonera per printera dhe fotokopje 4,327,092 Announced the Winner ERISONI COMPANY 1,257,730.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje bilete Vajtje-Ardhje (Tirane-Sofje (Bullgari)-Tirane) - 1 (nje) cope Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje bilete transporti ajror Vajtje-Ardhje, Tirane-Sofje (Bullgari) –Tirane, cope 1 (nje) Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje bilete Vajtje-Ardhje (Tirane-Sofje (Bullgari)-Tirane) - 1 (nje) cope Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blebilete vajtje-ardhje Tirane-Viene (Austri) - Tirane 2 (dy) cope Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje karburanti 9,042,549 Announced the Winner GEGA CENTER GKG - GENKLAUDIS SH.A 8.4 % marzh fitimi.
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Sherbimi i sigurise dhe ruajtjes fizike te nderteses me roje private 6,318,993 Signed the Contract SNAJPER SECURITY  SHPK 6,318,992.52
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje e 1 (nje) bilete Vajtje-Ardhje Tirane-New York(JFK)-Tirane Announced the Winner ALBTOURS"D"-VAS tour operatore 189,300.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shtypshkrime mjeku (Regjistra te Mjekut) 1,420,108 Cancelled Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj kancelarie 3,756,518 Signed the Contract C.C.S. OFFICE 3,682,701.50
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shërbim për sigurimin e ruajt jes së godinës së FSDKSH 790,055 Signed the Contract MYRTO – SECURITY SHPK
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje bilete transporti ajror Vajtje-Ardhje, Tirane-Bruksel (Belgjike) –Tirane, cope 1 (nje) Announced the Winner Aida Tiko 51,000.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje bilete transporti ajror Vajtje-Ardhje, Tirane-Gjeneve (Zvicer) –Tirane, cope 1 (nje) Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje e 2 (dy) biletave transporti ajror do te jete Vajtje-Ardhje, Tirane-Bruksel (Belgjike)-Tirane Announced Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj tonera për printera dhe fotokopje për vitin 2018 14,116,839 Signed the Contract IT Gjergji Kompjuter 9,949,471.70
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shpenzime per pajisje zyre 8,014,201 Signed the Contract SHAGA SHPK 7,676,106.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje shtypshkrime të kujdesit shëndetesor parësor për vitin 2018 1,435,247 Signed the Contract KRISTALINA K-H SHPK 1,270,000.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje automjetesh 16,792,000 Cancelled Procurement
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje karburant per vitin 2018 Announced the Winner Kastrati SHPK
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Blerje artikuj kancelarie për vitin 2018 3,332,874 Signed the Contract IT Gjergji Kompjuter 2,851,147.00
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shërbimi i ruajtjes dhe sigurisë fizike me roje private të Drejtorisë Rajonale të Fondit të Sigurimit të Detyrueshëm të Kujdesit Shëndetësor Tiranë për vitin 2018 2,916,060 Announced the Winner Nazeri 2000 SHPK 7,988.31
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Ruajtja e godinës dhe e ambienteve rrethuese të godinës së institucionit me roje private për vitin 2018 3,046,009 Signed the Contract START 2000 SHPK 2,880,635.91
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Shërbimi I ruajtjes dhe sigurisë fizike me roje private të ambjente vetë FSDKSH-së. Signed the Contract ALES SHPK 485,987.74