Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
40 EUROMED shpk 246 1,485,105,942 244 1,480,578,042 1,246,783,932

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 3 - Sete për OrbiSac system, SpectraOptia për plazma-apheresis sistemin Mirasol për inaktivizimin viral të produkteve të gjakut dhe aksesoret ngjitës për TSCD II Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
"Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje Analizator Genetic AND 7,916,666 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 7,916,000.00
Qendra Shendetesore e Specialiteteve Nr. 3 Tirane Qendra Shendetesore e Specialiteteve Nr. 3 Tirane Loti 1: Blerje Pajisje Mjeksore per Okulistiken 5,109,000 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 4,951,000.00
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora F.V pajisje hotelerike spitalore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve. 3,431,507 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 3,399,080.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 1 - Blerje Materiale të ndryshme Konsumi Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 3 - Sete për OrbiSac system, SpectraOptia për plazma-apheresis sistemin Mirasol për inaktivizimin viral të produkteve të gjakut dhe aksesoret ngjitës për TSCD II Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 6. Materiale Konsumi per kryerjen e procedures laboratorike nga marrja e mostres deri ne rezultatin e analizes dhe kimikate 1,210,100 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 1,075,466.80
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 7. Kite Reagente per Laboratorin Anatomopatologjise 1,095,100 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 887,360.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 1 - Blerje Materiale të ndryshme Konsumi Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
Regional Hospital Directorate of Lezha Regional Hospital Directorate of Lezha Loti 1:Blerje Materiale konsumi, reagente kimike 645,800 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 567,000.00
Tirana Regional Health Authority Tirana Regional Health Authority Blerje Kite Reagent 9,555,333 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 9,077,100.00
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 2- blerje kite-reagente per laboratorin e anatomo-patologjise 596,600 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 456,500.00
"Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje Kite reagent 1,351,580 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 988,000.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Blerje kite reagent dhe materiale laboratorike 4,417,400 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 4,391,700.00
Tirana Regional Health Authority Tirana Regional Health Authority Blerje Qelqurina dhe Materiale të tjera për DSHP-në 1,432,938 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 1,430,075.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 7 - Konsumabla dhe reagent klasik 2,156,913 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 1,195,400.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Loti 3 - Blerje material konsumi laboratorik per laboratore klinik biokimik 425,855 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 230,000.00
Saranda Hospital Saranda Hospital Loti 1 - Blerje kite reagent per laboratorin klinik biokimik 510,520 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 460,000.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 9 - Kite reagent për Anatominë Patologjike 813,450 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 729,810.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 4 - Tuba dhe konsumable 626,225 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 499,400.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Regional Hospital Directorate of Gjirokastra Blerje Kite dhe Reagent 3,563,500 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 3,520,400.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 3 - Kite dhe reagent biokimike per fotometer 308,038 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 199,300.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 3 - Sete për OrbiSac system, SpectraOptia për plazma-apheresis sistemin Mirasol për inaktivizimin viral të produkteve të gjakut dhe aksesoret ngjitës për TSCD II Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Blerje set të Urgjencës Mjekësore 39,644,828 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 38,976,725.00
"Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje materiale mjekimi 3,193,213 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 3,192,787.00
"Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje materiale mjekimi 2,317,988 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 2,316,276.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 3 - Sete për OrbiSac system, SpectraOptia për plazma-apheresis sistemin Mirasol për inaktivizimin viral të produkteve të gjakut dhe aksesoret ngjitës për TSCD II 50,728,000 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 50,290,220.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Loti 1 - Blerje Materiale të ndryshme Konsumi Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
Hospital Service Directorate of Has Hospital Service Directorate of Has Materiale mjekimi per pLotesimin e nevojave 489,962 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 480,200.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale, Spitali Korcë MM2 2,425,058 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 2,424,383.00