Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
40 EUROMED shpk 246 1,485,105,942 244 1,480,578,042 1,246,783,932

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Hospital Service Directorate of Has Hospital Service Directorate of Has Blerje materiale mjekimi për pLotësimin e nevojave deri në datë 15 prill 2016 283,917 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 283,241.00
"Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje materiale mjekimi 4,846,850 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 4,845,854.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje kite dhe reagentë"- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit 194,000 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 194,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Pogradec Hospital Service Directorate of Pogradec Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Pogradec, i ndarë në Lote, gjithësej 4 Lote- 1,470,620 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 1,458,873.33
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikal" 91,421 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 91,421.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Furnizim me materiale mjekësore për Spitalin Rajonal Berat 879,475 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 879,475.00
"Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Blerje materiale mjekimi 3,672,980 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 3,672,983.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale (MM2), për nevojat spitalore, Spitali Korçë" 1,831,330 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 1,831,329.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje medikamentesh për nevojat spitalore" 299,490 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 234,090.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 9 - Blerje Kite Reagent 94,600 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 94,600.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale, kite dhe reagentë për Shërbimin e Anatomisë Patologjike, Onkologjike dhe Imunohistokimike" 599,400 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 599,400.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje medikamentesh mjekësore "- Loti 3 - Kateter urinar 2 RR/18 CH, 300 copë 229,200 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 229,200.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje medikamentesh mjekësore "- Loti 4 - Solucion glicine, 140 flakon 143,220 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 143,220.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Lezha Regional Hospital Directorate of Lezha Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi" 23,534 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 23,534.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Blerje materiale mjekimi të përgjithshme për nevojat e institucioneve spitalore 235,204 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 235,204.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mirdita Hospital Service Directorate of Mirdita Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale për nevojat spitalore (MM2)" 61,702 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 61,702.00
"Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi" 332,140 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 332,140.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Has Hospital Service Directorate of Has Shtesë kontrate: "Blerje materiale mjekimi për mbulimin e nevojave të Spitalit Has në fillim të vitit 2016" 21,212 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract EUROMED shpk 21,212.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 1 - Kanjulë intravenoze 197,400 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 197,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 1 - Shiringa 50cc 27,600 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 27,600.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 2 - Shiringa 20cc 428,400 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 428,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 3 - Shiringa 10cc 189,000 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 189,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 4 - Shiringa 5cc 158,400 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 158,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 5 - Shiringa 2cc 97,200 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 97,200.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 4 - Poliglctin ose PGA , Coated- USP 3- 0; Gjatësia e fijes 70-90 cm; Dimensioni i ageve 20-30 75,000 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 75,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje materiale mjekimi MM2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumabël dhe kirurgjikale- Loti 5 - Poliglctin ose PGA, Coated- USP 4- 0; Gjatësia e fijes 70-90 cm 28,080 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 28,080.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Blerje materiale dhe mjete mbrojtese(COVID-19) 794,220 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 794,000.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Blerje set urgjence 18,778,910 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 18,526,700.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti II : Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale për nevojat spitalore 1,682,400 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 1,541,100.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Lot. 2 Materiale mjekimi/ Maske kirurgjikale 720,000 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 640,000.00