Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
30 OES Distrimed SHPK 302 4,165,945,717 302 4,165,945,717 3,743,266,950

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Blerje Materiale mjekimi Neurokirurgjie ne SUT 96,936,061 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 5,733,414.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 20 : Mirëmbajtje e pajisjes neuroendoskopike prodhuesi Aesculap/ose ekuivalent 2,355,356 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 2,355,345.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 28 : Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve Respirator te prodhuesi NEWPORT/ose ekuivalent 2,575,075 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 2,575,075.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 30 : Mirëmbajtje e pajisjes Aspirator Ultrasonic prodhuesi INTEGRA LifeSciences Corporation/ose ekuivalent 2,377,125 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 2,376,880.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 43 : Mirëmbajtje e pajisjes Sharre prodhuesi AESCULAP/ose ekuivalent 1,570,241 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 1,570,230.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 54: Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve respirator te prodhuesit VIASYS Healthcare/ ose ekuivalent 6,105,205 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 6,104,990.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Lot 2: Materiale mjekimi per anestezi dhe reanimacion, shiringa dhe age, njeperdorimshe kirurgjikale 5,963,600 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK
University of Medicine, Tirana University of Medicine, Tirana Blerje pajisjesh laboratori për FM-në 12,070,700 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 11,200,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Blerje materiale mjekesore Stapler ne QSUT 29,675,250 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 28,621,100.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Furnizim vendosje të aparaturës mjekësore EKO Kardiake Transezofageale për shërbimet mjëkësore në QSUT 5,426,667 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 4,158,000.00
Tirana Regional Health Authority Loti I. - F.v pajisje mjekesore per dispançerinë e Tiranës. 7,690,737 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 3,845,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 3 Hemokultura . 3,094,000 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 2,772,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Blerje materiale mjekësore specifike të ORL /Materiale specifike për procedurën e Implantit 4,411,800 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 4,258,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Blerje materiale mjekësore specifike të ORL /Materiale specifike për procedurën e Implantit 4,411,800 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 4,258,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 12 Kite për matjen e glicemisë së shpejtë 196,000 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 189,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 6 Biologjia molekulare. 3,560,400 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 3,555,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Blerje materiale mjekesore Stapler ne QSUT 29,675,250 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 28,621,100.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 3 - Biventricular Pacemaker (CRT-P) 8,313,500 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 7,943,205.50
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot. 5 Blerje stenta te pamedikuara 11,871,500 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 218,140.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Blerje materiale mjekesore Stapler ne QSUT 29,675,250 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 28,621,100.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 5 - Pacemaker MRI compatibel pacemaker kompatibël me MRI 8,473,295 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 4,095,401.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 4 - Pacemaker with antibiotik antibakterial envelope pacemaker me antibiotik 9,400,000 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 9,332,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 1 - Pacemaker VVIR; DDDR type with lead Pacemaker VVR DDDR 23,689,540 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 23,678,280.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Lot III Blerje zhvillues automatik per filma radiologjie 665,000 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 469,000.00
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot 1: “Furnizim vendosje pajisje mjekësore dhe pajisje mobilimi spitalor” 18,052,899 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 9,600,000.00
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot. 3 Blerje ballona, kateter guide dhe gida angioplastike 47,490,890 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot. 2 Blerje set per pergatitjen per koronarografine angioplastike 23,368,350 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 2 Furnizim Vendosje Freze Kirurgjikale me pompë peristatike me aksesorë 2,139,426 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 860,000.00
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot. 8 Blerje drug-eluting stent for restenosis- stenta te medikuara për restenoze 6,338,970 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 5,529,000.00
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot. 7 Blerje Stenta te medikuara 35,779,050 Announced the Winner OES Distrimed SHPK 460,810.00