Procuring Authority / Buyer | Economic operator no. | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | 83 | 1035 | 1,997,686,774 | 610 | 1,630,226,462 | 1,382,025,454 |
Procurement Authority | Tenderer/Contracting Institution | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lotit II “Blerje Oksigjen Gaz” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 663,552 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim gatimi dhe shperndarje ushqimi per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,747,480 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Furnizim dhe vendosje Aparat Okulistik per vitrektomine per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal vlore | 15,788,334 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 15590000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore | 17,500,000 | Announced the Winner | ECO RICIKLIM | 17071865 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Furnizim dhe vendosje chiller inverter per repartin e pediatrise per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,169,500 | Signed the Contract | GSM KLIMAIRE SHPK | 2780000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 "Blerje Oksigjen Leng" per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 16,992,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 "Blerje oksigjen gaz" per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,228,800 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Sherbim ,Mirembajtje, Pajisje Mamografi,grafi portable, grafi statike per nevoja te SRV” | 0 | Signed the Contract | MSE | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 9,914,425 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 8742580 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata1-Loti I Blerje Materiale Mjekimi te pergjithshme | 0 | Signed the Contract | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti IV Blerje doreza ekzaminimi dhe kirurgjikale | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aquarius Medical | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I Blerje Materiale Mjekimi te pergjithshme | 17,754,400 | Announced the Winner | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | 17587000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti II Blerje Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale | 0 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED SHPK & OES DISTRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti III Blerje sisteme infuzioni | 0 | Signed the Contract | ALMEDICAL SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-loti 2 "Blerje filma dhe materiale te tjera per sherbimin e imazherise" | 0 | Signed the Contract | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | loti 2 "Blerje filma dhe materiale te tjera per sherbimin e imazherise" | 1,052,000 | Announced the Winner | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | 1051000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore. Marrëveshje kuadër me një operator ekonomik- ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara - me afat 18 muaj | 9,914,425 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim ,Mirembajtje, Pajisje Mamografi,grafi portable, grafi statike per nevoja te SRV” | 9,999,604 | Announced the Winner | MSE | 8999300 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | loti 1 "Blerje Filma radiologjike dixhitale e pershtatshme per printerin FUJIFILM Dry Pix Smart ose ekuivalent" | 480,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2"Blerje materiale konsumi per laboratorin e Anatomo-patologjise" | 3,703,070 | Announced the Winner | Distributor of Medical Devices Group | 1695900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IV Blerje doreza ekzaminimi dhe kirurgjikale | 2,940,000 | Announced the Winner | Aquarius Medical | 2040000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II Blerje Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale | 25,353,359 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED SHPK & OES DISTRIMED SHPK | 25275562 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti III Blerje sisteme infuzioni | 2,970,000 | Announced the Winner | ALMEDICAL SHPK | 2601000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | FV Dyer te brendshme druri importi cilesia e pare ” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,587,096 | Signed the Contract | Bolt SHPK | 2091000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim Mirembajtje Full – Risk te pajisjeve mjekesore CT,skaner,MRI,Rezonance Magnetike” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 25,254,264 | Signed the Contract | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | 22586400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Materiale Mjekesore per Ortopedine per nevoja te SRV | 1,930,200 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 1885800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore per nevoja te SRV | 10,556,319 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | MEDI-TEL SHPK | 7939442 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim Mirembajtje Full-Risk te Pajisjeve mjeksore CT,Skaner,MRI,Rezonance Magentike per nevoja te SRV | 33,457,920 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 "Blerje tubave/sistemeve te marrjes se gjakut” | 5,539,950 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1:F.V. pajisje mjeksore per urgjencen e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 7,014,417 | Signed the Contract | KRIJON SHPK | 6670000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 F.V. pajisje spitalore per urgjencen e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 6,633,000 | Signed the Contract | KRIJON SHPK | 6354000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 :F.V pajisje mobilimi per urgjencen e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,903,317 | Announced the Winner | RO-AL SHPK | 2899999 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shtrim me asfalt per nevoja te SRV | 2,241,160 | Announced the Winner | SARK SHPK | 2003800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LOTI 4:F.V Sinjalistika per Urgjencen e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 782,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Blerje Materiale Elektrike, Hidraulike dhe te tjera per nevoja te SRV | 0 | Signed the Contract | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim ,Mirembajtje e pajisjeve mjeksore per nevoja te SRV | 13,129,566 | Announced the Winner | MSE | 13119700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1:Blerje Filma radiologjike dixhitale e pershtatshme per printerin FUJIFILM Dry Pix Smart ose ekuivalent | 2,620,000 | Signed the Contract | ALBAPHOTO SHPK | 2620000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Blerje Materiale Specifike per aplikimin e Kimioterapise per sherbimin e Onkologjise per nevoja te SRV | 0 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | “Blerje Trapano per sallen e Operacionit te Ortopedise 854 per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 1,525,000 | Signed the Contract | Arli Pharma shpk | 1450000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Materiale Specifike per aplikimin e Kimioterapise per sherbimin e Onkologjise per nevoja te SRV | 11,167,000 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED shpk | 11096000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: Blerje Filma radiologjike dhe solucione zhvilluese | 309,540 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 : ” Blerje materiale mjekimi te pergjithshme per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore “ | 34,579,246 | Announced the Winner | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | 34225400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 : “ Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 35,589,422 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED shpk | 35530565 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Blerje e Paketave Katarakte per Okulistiken per nevoja te SRV | 0 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 11324000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Blerje Filma radiologjike dixhitale e pershtatshme per printerin FUJIFILM Dry Pix Smart ose ekuivalent | 2,620,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Blerje Filma radiologjike dhe solucione zhvilluese | 309,540 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Materiale Elektrike, Hidraulike dhe te tjera per nevoja te SRV | 12,984,580 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 140855 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Rikonstruksion i Urgjences se Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aliraj & K shpk & Ulza shpk | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje e Paketave Katarakte per Okulistiken per nevoja te SRV | 11,352,000 | Announced the Winner | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 11324000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i Urgjences se Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 29,054,225 | Announced the Winner | Aliraj & K shpk & Ulza shpk | 28439570 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i Dhomave te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,325,628 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i dhomave te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,325,628 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale mjeksore per sistemin terapeutik te kurimit te plageve për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 5,695,600 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 5569500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 22: Gadoteric Acid 05.mmol/ml-10ml | 0 | Signed the Contract | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22: Gadoteric Acid 05.mmol/ml-10ml | 3,650,000 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 3625000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti1:Blerje tuba per marrjen e kampionëve të gjakut për laboratorin klinik biokimik | 9,453,557 | Signed the Contract | ALMEDICAL SHPK | 6161600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 ” Blerje materiale mjekimi te pergjithshme per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore “ | 3,891,050 | Signed the Contract | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | 3854250 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 “ Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 3,066,500 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | 3059320 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 : Furnizim vendosje pajisje per farmacine e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,400,000 | Signed the Contract | “ISOMETRIC” Shpk | 1400000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1: Furnizim vendosje pajisje mobilimi per farmacine dhe Dispanserine e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,585,600 | Signed the Contract | RO-AL SHPK | 1399917 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 ” Blerje materiale mjekimi te pergjithshme per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore “ | 3,891,050 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 “ Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 3,066,500 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbim dezinfektimi për mbrojtjen nga Covid-19 | 7,459,267 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TIRANA TEKNOLOGJI | 7160896 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i Farmacise dhe i Dispanserise per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 33,662,277 | Signed the Contract | ASI-2A CO | 32960561 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II: Blerje materiali konsumi për marrjen e kampionëve të gjakut për laboratorin klinik biokimik | 506,783 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 “Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 0 | Signed the Contract | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 19: Blerje GADOTERIC ACID (as MEGLUMINE SALT) | 319,000 | Signed the Contract | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 319000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Amoxicilline 500 mg | 4,844 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Amantadine 100 mg | 983 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 828 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (125 mg + 31.25mg)/5 ml - 100 ml | 15,478 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Benzylpenicillin potassium1.000.000 UI | 25,797 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Azithromycin 250 mg | 9,902 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 Azithromycin100 mg/5ml - 20 ml | 25,797 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 Cefuroxime 500 mg | 31,614 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 Cefuroxime 250 mg | 3,457 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9 Doxycycline 100 mg | 23,413 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 22680 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10 Gentamicin sulphate 20 mg/2 ml - 2 ml | 17,055 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11 Chloramphenicol 1 gr | 14,833 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 14830 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12 Nalidixic Acid 500 mg | 2,226 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13 Nitrofurantoin 100 mg | 286 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 286 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14 Nystatin 100.000 UI//ml - 30 ml | 15,900 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 15900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15 Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim (200 mg + 40 mg)/5ml - 100 ml | 3,905 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 3903 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 16 Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim 400 mg + 80 mg | 180 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 180 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 17 PPD Tuberculin 5TU/0.1ml - 1.5 ml (15 doses) | 17,251 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 18 Mebendazole100 mg | 69 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 19 Betamethasone 0,1% - 15 grl | 9,109 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 7880 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 20 Ketoconazole 20 mg/gr - 30 gr | 19,253 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 21 Methylergometrine Maleate 0.2 mg/1 ml | 49,198 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22 Methylprednisolone 4 mg | 278 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 275 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 23 Octreotide 0.05 mg/ml - 1 ml | 3,311 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 24 Prednisone 5 mg | 1,485 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 337 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 25 Ferrous sulphate 80 mg | 27,603 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26 Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg | 12,221 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 9720 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 27 Acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg | 1,060 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 480 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 28 Folic acid 5mg | 16,346 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 14000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 29 Fusidic acid 2% - 15 gr | 11,899 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 30 Warfarin sodium 5 mg | 3,064 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 31 Adenosine3 mg/ml - 2 ml | 3,942 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 32 Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) 100 mg | 4,173 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 4153 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 33 Domperidone10 mg | 112 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 34 Drotaverine hydrochloride 40 mg | 152 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 35 Glibenclamide 5 mg | 591 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 432 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 36 Hyoscine butylbromide 10 mg | 35,418 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 32000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 37 Insulin Aspart biphazic [Soluble Insulin Aspart (30%) and Protamine crystallised Insulin Aspart (70%)] (recombinant DNA)100 UI/ml - 3 ml | 26,255 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 38 Loperamide 2 mg | 585 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 455 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 39 Metformine hydrochloride 1000 mg | 5,640 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 3240 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 40 Metformine hydrochloride 850 mg | 9,940 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 4900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 41 Metformine hydrochloride 500 mg | 6,762 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2835 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 42 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) 25 mg | 2,509 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2496 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 43 Sulfasalazine 500 mg | 109 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 44 Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1)10 mg | 2,509 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2496 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 45 Acetazolamide 250 mg | 5,913 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 46 Ciprofloxacin 3 mg/ml - 5 ml | 22,954 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 47 Dexamethasone + Neomycin (0.1% + 0.5%) - 5ml | 198,288 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 198288 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 48 Dexamethasone + Neomycin sulphate + Polymyxin B Pomade oftalmike x (1 mg + 3.500 I.U. + 6.000 I.U.)/gr - 3.5 gr | 68,916 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 50 Proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% 5 mg/ml - 15 ml | 123,622 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 52 Tobramycin + Dexamethasone (3mg + 1mg)/ml - 5ml | 178,771 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 53 Amiodarone 200 mg | 19,625 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 15100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 54 Amlodipine 10 mg | 5,259 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1296 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 55 Amlodipine 5 mg | 613 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 56 Atenolol 100 mg | 8,686 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 58 Carvedilol 25 mg | 825 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 572 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 59 Digoxin 0.25 mg | 24,785 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 24750 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 60 Digoxin 0.5 mg/2 ml | 814 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 61 Diltiazem 60 mg | 183 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 62 Furosemide 25 mg | 985 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 63 Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg | 315 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 300 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 64 Isosorbide dinitrate 10 mg | 555 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 556 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 65 Isosorbide mononitrate 40 mg | 1,478 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1134 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 66 Lisinopril 20 mg | 661 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 660 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 67 Lisinopril 10 mg | 216 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 215 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 68 Losartan 100 mg | 1,696 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 69 Metoprolol 100 mg | 34,457 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 70 Metoprolol 50 mg | 8,599 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 71 Nifedipine 20 mg | 7,885 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 72 Olmesartan 40 mg | 39,930 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 73 Propafenon 150 mg | 9,294 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 74 Propranolol 40 mg | 675 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 675 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 75 Furosemide 40 mg | 5,642 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 5500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 76 Methyldopa 250 mg | 46,373 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 46320 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 77 Simvastatine 40 mg | 7,490 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 4950 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 78 Triamteren + Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg + 25 mg | 756 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 79 Valsartan 80 mg | 7,621 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 3727 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 80 Valsartan 160 mg | 1,789 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1144 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 81 Verapamil 80 mg | 137 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 126 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 82 Ibuprofen 200 mg | 27,858 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 83 Piroxicam 20 mg/ml - 1 ml | 2,705 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 84 Tenoxicam 20 mg/2 ml | 2,726 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 85 Aciclovir 400 mg | 5,526 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 86 Caffeine + Sodium benzoate (96mg + 104mg)/ml - 1ml g | 48,600 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 48600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 87 Chlorpromazine 50 mg/2 ml - 2 ml | 2,700 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 88 Codeine Phosphate Hemihydrate 15 mg | 2,339 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 89 Diazepam 5 mg | 201 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 162 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 90 Paracetamol 125 mg | 26,152 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 22500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 91 Paracetamol 100 mg | 17,852 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 17748 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 92 Haloperidol 50 mg/ml - 1 ml | 995 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 93 Naloxone 0.04 mg/2 ml | 5,289 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 5285 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 94 Paracetamol 250 mg | 23,918 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 20000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 95 Ambroxol 15 mg/5 ml - 200 ml | 31,869 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 96 Aminophylline 100 mg | 118 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 118 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 97 Beclomethasone dipropionate 0.8 mg/2 ml | 402,485 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 401850 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 98 Loratadine 10 mg | 101 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 101 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 99 Salbutamol 2 mg/5 ml -150 ml | 2,864 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2320 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 100 Salbutamol 4mg | 26 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 49 Indomethacin 100 mg | 2,052 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 51 Tobramycin 3 mg/ml - 5ml | 88,762 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 57 Bisoprolol 10 mg | 43,149 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 28600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 2: Shërbim DDD (dezinfektim, dezinsektim dhe deratizim) | 0 | Signed the Contract | M E T A N I | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | “Blerje materiale mjekimi delegim nga MSHMS per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë”-Marrëveshje kuadër me një operator ekonomik- ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara me afat 1 vjeçar (12 muaj) | 1,045,500 | Signed the Contract | Biometric Albania SHPK | 787500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | “Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,730,000 | Announced the Winner | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 1725500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14: Blerje IRON (III) Sucrose complex | 97,600 | Signed the Contract | PARTNERS PHARMA | 91960 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 25: Blerje Levofloxacin | 332,640 | Signed the Contract | PARTNERS PHARMA | 261360 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22: Blerje Beclomethasone dipropionate | 48,578 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 48578 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10: Blerje Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 108,540 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 108540 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 23: Blerje Cefuroxime | 144,000 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 144000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje protoksid azoti per nevoja te Spitalit Rjonal Vlore | 7,560,000 | Announced the Winner | VITAL Z & D SHPK | 7560000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 “Blerje e paketave Katarakte për Okulistikën për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë„-Marrëveshje kuadër me një operator ekonomik- ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara me afat 1 vjeçar (12 muaj) | 0 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: Shërbim DDD (dezinfektim, dezinsektim dhe deratizim) | 1,490,863 | Announced the Winner | M E T A N I | 567490 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Furnizimi me materiale elektrike, hidraulike dhe materiale të tjera për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 0 | Signed the Contract | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Furnizimi me materiale elektrike, hidraulike dhe materiale të tjera për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 13,980,201 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 136480 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I: Blerje tuba per marrjen e kampionëve të gjakut për laboratorin klinik biokimik | 9,453,557 | Cancelled Procurement | FEDOS SHPK | 8897000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 4: Blerje Atropine sulphate | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 8: Blerje Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 17: Blerje Promethazine | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 18: Blerje Dexamethasone + Neomycin | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 21: Blerje Tramadol hydrochloride | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | “Blerje e paketave Katarakte për Okulistikën për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë„-Marrëveshje kuadër me një operator ekonomik- ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara me afat 1 vjeçar (12 muaj) | 4,996,500 | Announced the Winner | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 4892500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 1: Blerje Omeprazole | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 7: Blerje Ambroxol | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 2: Blerje Sodium bicarbonate | 0 | Signed the Contract | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12: Blerje Methylprednisolone 500mg | 28,600 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 28545 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minkontrata 1 Loti 28: Blerje Cyclophosphamide anhydrous | 0 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 13: Blerje Dexamethasone | 0 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 3: Blerje Morphine | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 5: Blerje Pethidine hydrochloride | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 6: Blerje Heparine sodium | 0 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 11: Blerje Methylprednisolone 40 mg | 0 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 24: Blerje Azithromycin | 0 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1: Blerje Omeprazole | 5,061,000 | Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | 1866900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26: Blerje Metronidazole | 0 | Signed the Contract | PARTNERS PHARMA | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II: Blerje materiali konsumi për marrjen e kampionëve të gjakut për laboratorin klinik biokimik | 506,783 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6: Blerje Heparine sodium | 144,257 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 144233 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 18: Blerje Dexamethasone + Neomycin | 38,880 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 38880 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 29: Blerje Fluorouracil | 7,600 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9: Blerje Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 523,606 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13: Blerje Dexamethasone | 498,000 | Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | 498000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 21: Blerje Tramadol hydrochloride | 34,000 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 34000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4: Blerje Atropine sulphate | 118,825 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 118825 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11: Blerje Methylprednisolone 40 mg | 11,450 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 9430 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 20: Blerje Iodine x 370mg/ml | 1,035,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: Blerje Sodium bicarbonate | 892,500 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 857500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3: Blerje Morphine | 407,925 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 407925 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 16: Blerje Insulin Detemir | 9,656 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 27: Blerje Doxorubicin | 41,184 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 24: Blerje Azithromycin | 5,728 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 5680 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 28: Blerje Cyclophosphamide anhydrous | 49,100 | Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | 49100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 17: Blerje Promethazine | 26,502 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 26502 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8: Blerje Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 523,606 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 523606 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26: Blerje Metronidazole | 1,031,100 | Announced the Winner | PARTNERS PHARMA | 931700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7: Blerje Ambroxol | 13,113 | Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | 13082 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 30: Blerje Viper Venom Antitoxin | 384,001 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15: Blerje Insulin Aspart | 4,869 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5: Blerje Pethidine hydrochloride | 118,400 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 118400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | F.V pajisje per okulistiken per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 8,333,333 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 7985000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Echo Kardiake per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,100,000 | Signed the Contract | MSE | 2800000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 Loti 1 Blerje Oxygen i gaztë | 0 | Signed the Contract | MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | FV Ashensor per transportin e te semureve per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 3,350,000 | Signed the Contract | CLIMACASA | 3200000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje pajisje mjekësore nga Banka Botërore projektit “përmirësimi i sistemit shendetesor” | 9,115,564 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1: “Blerje Iodine x 370 mg/ml” | 2,130,000 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 2070000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje pajisje per kabinetin e okulistikes per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,845,000 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 1798000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: Blerje materiale mjekesore per nderhyrjet ne endoskopi | 710,400 | Signed the Contract | Biometric Albania SHPK | 675500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje aparat anestezie per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 10,002,390 | Signed the Contract | MSE | 9602294.4 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: “Blerje Methylergometrine Maleate” | 16,622 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3: “Blerje Cefuroxime” | 19,436 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4: “Blerje Ibuprofen” | 7,020 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5: “Blerje Tobramycin+ Dexamethasone” | 77,108 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LOTI 3: Mirembajtje pajisje radiologjike | 8,520,000 | Signed the Contract | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | 8500000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me Titull: LOTI 2: Mirembajtje pajisje laboratorike | 0 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1: Blerje materiale mjekesore per sistemin terapeutik te kurimit te plageve | 5,775,600 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 5695600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | ”FV Ashensor per transportin e te semureve per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore” | 3,100,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5: Mirëmbajtje pajisje mjekësore nga Banka Botërore projektit “përmirësimi i sistemit shendetesor” | 9,115,564 | Cancelled Procurement | Montal SHPK | 7280000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LOTI 2: Mirembajtje pajisje laboratorike | 4,651,324 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 4651324 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull: Blerje e paketave Katarakte për Okulistikën për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 0 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull: Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera per nevoja te SRV | 0 | Signed the Contract | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje e paketave Katarakte për Okulistikën për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 4,969,500 | Announced the Winner | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 4963500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbeturinave të rrezikshme spitalore, për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 21,306,777 | Signed the Contract | ECO RICIKLIM | 21112638 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje doreza ekzaminimi delegim nga MSHMS për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 2,490,000 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 2091000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LOTI 1 : Mirëmbajtje Pajisje Mjeksore të hemodinamikes, imazherike | 1,662,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LOTI 4:Mirembajtje pajisje Endoskopi | 2,954,592 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull: Loti 1- Blerje kite reagente per laboratoret spitalore | 0 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1 - Kontratë në zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull - Loti 2 Blerje Oxygen i lëngët | 0 | Signed the Contract | MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK | 135,4 lekë per njesi (Njoftuar ne sistemin elektronik te APP-se ne date 15-01-2021). |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Blerje Oxygen i lëngët | 108,320,000 | Announced the Winner | MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK | 135,4 lekë per njesi (Njoftuar ne sistemin elektronik te APP-se ne date 15-01-2021). |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Blerje Oxygen i gaztë | 17,280,000 | Announced the Winner | MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK | 34,56 lekë per njesi(Njoftuar ne sistemin elektronik te APP-se ne date 15-01-2021). |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | “Blerje artikuj për masa mbrojtëse personale për pëerballimin e situatës Covid-19 delegim nga MSHMS për nevoja të SRV “ | 4,091,000 | Signed the Contract | Farma Net Albania | 3335000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i Lavanterisë dhe Hotelerisë për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 185,250,786 | Signed the Contract | ABI’S” SH.P.K” | 182565992 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera per nevoja te SRV | 7,900,000 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 121 000 leke per njesi |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2- Blerje kite reagente per laboratorin e Anatomopatologjise | 362,600 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1- Blerje kite reagente per laboratoret spitalore | 22,637,350 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 22637350 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 GADOTERIC ACID | 1,282,360 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 1 595 (Shumatorja e çmimeve për njësi të ofruar) |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Fentanyl | 577,820 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 288,5 leke për njësi të ofruar |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Gadopentenic acid | 1,421,200 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Anestezi Reanimacion Fentanyl 50 mcg/ml - 10ml Ampule | 577,820 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparim dhe mirembajtje autoambulanca per nevoja te SRV | 1,392,700 | Announced the Winner | ANDI HAMO | 1368400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I Materiale mjekimi të përgjithshme për nevoja spitalore | 1,500,000 | Announced the Winner | Biometric Albania SHPK | 1275000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 1 Barna dermatologjike Betamethasone 4 mg/ml - 1 ml Ampule | 6,156 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 2 Lende kontrasti per MRI Gadopentenic acid (as Dimeglumine salt) 469.01 mg/ml - 10 ml Flakon | 1,776,452 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 3 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid 1gr + 200 mg Flakon | 512,737 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 4 Anestezi Reanimacion Fentanyl 50 mcg/ml - 10ml Ampule | 415,607 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 5 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Methylergometrine Maleate 0.2 mg/1 ml Ampule | 116,091 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 6 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Oxytocin 10 UI/ml Ampule | 98,942 | Announced the Winner | Farma Net Albania | 98900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 7 Sistemi nervor Paracetamol 1 gr/6.7 ml - 6.7 ml Ampule | 1,424,758 | Announced the Winner | Winpharma | 1424000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 8 Sistemi muskolo-skeletik Vecuronium bromide 10 mg Flakon | 1,860,100 | Announced the Winner | LEKLI SHPK | 1860000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS -Loti 9 Barna Antineoplastike dhe immunomodulatore Methotrexate 50 mg/2 ml - 2 ml Flakon/ Ampule | 46,612 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot. 2 - Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale per nevoja spitalore | 4,604,750 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED shpk | 4345500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Benzathine Benzylpenicillin 1.2 milion UI/2.5 ml Flakon/ Shiringe e para pergatitur | 84,161 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Human Rabies Immunoglobulin 150 UI/ml - 2ml Flakon | 168,323 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Barna dermatologjike Betamethasone 4 mg/ml - 1 ml Ampule | 6,156 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Ferrous sulphate 80 mg Tablete | 24,083 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Sodium chloride + Potassium acetate + Magnesium acetate trihydrate + Glucose monohydrate 500 ml Flakon | 776,874 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Enoxaparine sodium 4000 UI anti-Xa/0.4ml - 0.4 ml Shiringe e para pergatitur | 10,950,000 | Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | 10913500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 Lende kontrasti per MRI Gadopentenic acid (as Dimeglumine salt) 469.01 mg/ml - 10 ml Flakon | 1,776,452 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 Organet e shqisave Tobramycin 300 mg /4 ml - 4 ml Flakon nje-doze | 693,638 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 692000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9 Sistemi kardiovaskular Amiodarone 150 mg/3 ml - 3 ml Ampule | 598,046 | Announced the Winner | Rejsi FARMA SHPK | 598000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid 1gr + 200 mg Flakon | 854,561 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11 Anestezi Reanimacion Fentanyl 50 mcg/ml - 10ml Ampule | 415,607 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Methylergometrine Maleate 0.2 mg/1 ml Ampule | 116,091 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Oxytocin 10 UI/ml Ampule | 494,708 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Heparine calcium 12500 UI/0.5 ml - 0.5 ml Shiringe e para pergatitur | 30,169 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15 Sistemi respirator Salbutamol 5 mg/ml - 20 ml Flakon | 104,086 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i sherbimit te reanimacionit te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 43,157,223 | Announced the Winner | 2Z KONSTRUKSION SHPK | 43055862 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IX Amiodarone | 606,516 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti VII Gadopentenic acid (as Dimeglumine salt) | 1,801,612 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti VI Enoxaparine sodium | 12,250,696 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II Human Rabies Immunoglobulin | 170,707 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti III Betamethasone | 6,244 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IV Ferrous sulphate | 24,424 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti V Sodium chloride Potassium acetate Magnesium acetate trihydrate Glucose monohydrate | 787,877 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti VIII Tobramycin | 716,734 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I Benzathine Benzylpenicillin | 85,353 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | F.V pajisje mobilim per sherbimin e reanimacionit per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 4,166,667 | Announced the Winner | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 3991200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbimi i ruajtjes dhe sigurise fizike per nevoja te SRV. | 8,508,022 | Announced the Winner | Global security SHPK | 8188343.08 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid | 866,664 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Fentanyl | 545,437 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Methylergometrine Maleate | 117,736 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Oxytocin | 242,734 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Heparine calcium | 30,596 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 Salbutamol | 105,561 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparim dhe mirembajte autoambulanca per nevoja te SRV | 399,100 | Announced the Winner | ALSTEZO SHPK | 216100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 64 Beclomethasone dipropionate | 192,658 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 192600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparim dhe mirembajtje autoambulanca per nevoja te SRV | 482,000 | Announced the Winner | ALSTEZO SHPK | 462700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13 Naproxen | 1,146 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1141 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim | 2,614 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 51 Bromhexine hydrochloride | 657 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 650 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 50 Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 1,697 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1690 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 49 Bisoprolol | 11,066 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 10500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 48 Paracetamol | 14,678 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 14600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 39 Nystatin | 7,950 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 7950 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 38 Metronidazole | 2,100 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 37 Codeine Phosphate Hemihydrate | 2,340 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2340 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 35 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 1,697 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1690 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 33 Carbamazepine | 1,635 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1620 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 32 Simvastatine | 12,372 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 12360 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 43 Amlodipine | 4,127 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 4080 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 40 Valsartan | 5,526 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 5500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 44 Folic acid | 36,576 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 36000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 45 Atenolol | 2,524 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Diltiazem | 367 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 360 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Glibenclamide | 92 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 90 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9 Metformine hydrochloride | 6,550 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 6500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10 Metformine hydrochloride | 985 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 980 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11 Caffeine + Sodium benzoate | 38,880 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 38880 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12 Acetylsalicylic acid | 1,017 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14 Verapamil | 1,357 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1350 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 16 Dexamethasone + Neomycin | 58,320 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 58320 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 17 Paracetamol | 5,130 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 5000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22 Hydrochlorothiazide | 1,561 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1560 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 23 Diazepam | 879 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 850 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 25 Doxycycline | 10,383 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 10320 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26 Metoprolol | 46,022 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 45500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 27 Hyoscine butylbromide | 2,275 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2260 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 28 Valsartan | 9,610 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 9600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 29 Metformine hydrochloride | 15,001 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 14800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 31 Isosorbide mononitrate | 11,153 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 11000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 54 Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 6,480 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 6250 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 55 Amiodarone | 26,325 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 26100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 57 Digoxin | 17,388 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 17360 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 62 Acetylsalicylic acid | 12,738 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 12480 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 63 Levofloxacin | 47,366 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 45000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 65 Betamethasone | 28,110 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 28050 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje monitor pacienti dhe aspirator personal per nevoja te srv | 800,000 | Announced the Winner | Farma Net Albania | 791000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | blerje CPAP(kit) | 800,000 | Announced the Winner | Farma Net Albania | 781200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje EKG per nevoja te SRV | 800,000 | Announced the Winner | Fedos - Uppsala | 749000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje alkool etilik, per nevoja te SRV | 630,000 | Announced the Winner | FalComX | 629900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje "Materiale dhe mjete mbrojtese per nevoja te SRV" | 2,499,822 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED shpk | 2498850 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqimesh per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore - Loti I : Blerje Buke | 117,520 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 117390 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqimesh per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore - Loti II : Blerje Bulmet | 448,103 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 447300 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqimesh per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore - Loti III : Blerje Mish | 351,802 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 351540 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqimesh per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore - Loti IV : Blerje Ushqime Koloniale | 170,415 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 170250 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqimesh per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore -Loti V : Blerje Fruta perime | 233,819 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 233400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Ambroxol | 20,871 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Dalteparine natricum | 26,263 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Dipyridamole | 1,156 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 Acenocoumarol | 243 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 IRON(III) (as Ferric Hydroxide Polymaltose complex x 71,4mg/ml) | 8,562 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15 Proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% | 42,144 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 18 Meloxicam | 937 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 19 Digoxin | 12,443 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 20 Amoxicilline | 5,380 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 21 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid | 78,788 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 24 Gentamicin sulphate | 2,004 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 30 Tobramycin | 49,480 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 34 Tobramycin + Dexamethasone | 81,514 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 36 Ketoconazole | 19,600 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 41 Fusidic acid | 61,848 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 42 Ciprofloxacin | 58,533 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 46 Indomethacin | 1,026 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 47 Cefuroxime | 21,597 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 52 Ibuprofen | 14,041 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 53 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate | 17,758 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 56 Lidocaine hydrochloride + Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride | 66,895 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 58 Betamethasone + Chloramphenicol | 120,411 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 59 Azithromycin | 19,631 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 60 Azithromycin | 5,640 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 61 Insulin Aspart biphazic [Soluble Insulin Aspart (30%) and Protamine crystallised Insulin Aspart (70%)] (recombinant DNA) | 3,875 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 10,653,389 | Announced the Winner | ECO RICIKLIM | 10629121.2 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore per nevoja te SRV | 1,775,562 | Announced the Winner | ECO RICIKLIM | 1775561.84 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti III:Mirembajtje pajisje radiologjike | 4,260,000 | Announced the Winner | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK - SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 4260000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II:Mirembajtje pajisje laboratorike | 2,325,662 | Announced the Winner | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK - SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 2325662 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I: Mirembajtje pajisje mjeksore | 534,000 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 534000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Oksigjen Mjeksor per nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 8,640,000 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente per laboratoret spitalore | 22,460,798 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 22307428 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje"Materiale ndertimi,elektrike,hidraulike dhe materiale te tjera per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore" | 4,728,350 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 98670 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale mjekesore per sherbimin e imazherise(filma dhe solucione) per nevoja te SRV. | 3,374,780 | Announced the Winner | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 37,680 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje mobilje zyre per godinen e Administrates se Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,000,000 | Announced the Winner | ERZENI/SH SHPK | 2439425 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje pajisje mjekesore nga Banka Boterore ProjektiPermiresimi i sistemit te shendetesise | 2,894,026 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IV:Mirembajtje pajisje endoskopi | 1,477,296 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Protoksid Azoti per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 5,640,000 | Announced the Winner | VITAL Z & D SHPK | 5640000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje e paketave Katarakte per okulistiken per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 6,234,800 | Announced the Winner | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 6182400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i godines se administrates per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 7,800,000 | Signed the Contract | 2Z KONSTRUKSION SHPK | 7700000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente per laboratorin e anatomo-patologjise | 590,500 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente te deleguara nga MSHMS per nevoja te SRV | 250,660 | Announced the Winner | FUFARMA SHA | 231420 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje krevate pacienti per repartin e Pediatrise per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,600,000 | Signed the Contract | MEDFAU SHPK | 3560000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Sodium lactateSodium chloridePotassium chlorideCalcium chloride dihydrate | 1,058,400 | Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 1058400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Human Antitetanus Immunoglobulin SAT | 1,909,260 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 1900000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Paracetamol | 958,440 | Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | 535500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Neostigmine bromide | 142,884 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 142884 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1: Blerje materiale mjekësore për ndërhyrjen në katarakt”- | 1,297,100 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 1292880 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2: “Blerje material të përshtatshme për aparatin Bouch & Lomb Stellaris” | 335,400 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 334770 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Fluconazole | 383,235 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 12 Promethazine | 58,212 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 11 Phenobarbital | 34,398 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 10 Lidocaine | 211,680 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 151.2 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 9 Caffeine sodium benzoate | 21,870 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 48.6 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 8 Lanatoside C | 124,362 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 6 Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 486,000 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 5 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 621,000 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 2 Glucose | 37,895 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 58.3 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 3 Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) | 92,750 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 53 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 4 Papaverine hydrochloride | 399,600 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 54 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 5 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 621,000 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 54 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 6 Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 486,000 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 54 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 8 Lanatoside C | 124,362 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 9 Caffeine + sodium benzoate | 21,870 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 48.6 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 10 Lidocaine | 211,680 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 151.2 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 11 Phenobarbital | 34,398 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 12 Promethazine | 58,212 | Announced the Winner | Ilma SHPK | 52.92 leke per njesi. |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 16 Amoxicilline | 12,945 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 8.6 leke per njesi |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 35 Aciclovir | 14,870 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 14.8 leke per njësi |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 36 Ketamine | 56,796 | Announced the Winner | LEKLI SHPK | 1 135.9 leke per njësi |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | (Loti4)Materjale Mjekimi te skanerit. | 0 | Signed the Contract | Biometric Albania SHPK | 351000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Materjale Mjekimi per Laparoskopine. | 0 | Signed the Contract | Biometric Albania SHPK | 435000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 14 Tobramycin Dexamethasone | 83,300 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 13 Tobramycin | 52,468 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 7 Amiodarone | 61,304 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 38 Ambroxol | 33,808 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 37 Methadone hydrochloride | 51,522 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 36 Ketamine | 56,796 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 35 Aciclovir | 14,870 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 34 Piroxicam | 23,890 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 33 Meloxicam | 2,704 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 32 Propafenon | 26,705 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 1 Progesterone | 20,736 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 7 Amiodarone | 61,304 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 13 Tobramycin | 52,468 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 14 Tobramycin + Dexamethasone | 83,300 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 15 Azithromycin | 164,250 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 17 Piperacillin + Tazobactam | 837,750 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 18 Ushqim parenteral total | 121,500 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 19 Methotrexate | 5,807 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 20 Ketoconazole | 22,042 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 21 Betamethasone | 9,467 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 22 Povidon Iodine | 749 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 23 Progesterone | 3,581 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 24 Ferrous sulphate | 10,288 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 25 Insulin Lispro (25% Insulin Lispro solution + 75% Insulin Lispro Protamine suspension) | 8,854 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 26 Bisacodyl | 1,521 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 27 Acetazolamide | 10,580 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 28 Ciprofloxacin | 70,318 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 29 Dexamethasone + Neomycin sulphate + Polymyxin B | 38,540 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 30 Proparacaine hydrochloride | 70,995 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 31 Tobramycin | 724,428 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 32 Propafenon | 26,705 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 33 Meloxicam | 2,704 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 34 Piroxicam | 23,890 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 37 Methadone hydrochloride | 51,522 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 38 Ambroxol | 33,808 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 38 Ambroxol | 33,808 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 37 Methadone hydrochloride | 51,522 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 36 Ketamine | 56,796 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 35 Aciclovir | 14,870 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 34 Piroxicam | 23,890 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 33 Meloxicam | 2,704 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 32 Propafenon | 26,705 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 31 Tobramycin | 724,428 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 30 Proparacaine hydrochloride | 70,995 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lot 29 Dexamethasone Neomycin sulphate Polymyxin B | 38,540 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Aparatura mjekesore per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 8,100,000 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | 7890000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Objekti: Sherbimi me roje private – Marreveshje Kuader - me nje operator ekonomik ku te gjitha kushtet jane te percaktuara - me afat 12 muaj. | 8,511,518 | Announced the Winner | Global security SHPK | 8446394.33 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 7-BLERJE Sodium chloride 0.9% - 500 ml | 1,796,070 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 94.5 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 11- BLERJE Glucose 5% -250 ml | 342,912 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 89.8 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 13-BLERJE Sodium bicarbonate | 89,960 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 44.9 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 16-BLERJE Metronidazole | 515,655 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 114.5 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 17-BLERJE Ciprofloxacine | 647,980 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 647 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 25-BLERJE Pancuronium bromide | 42,110 | Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 216 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 24-BLERJE Fentanyl | 20,269 | Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 233.5 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 23 -BLERJE Aminophylline | 26,867 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 35.4 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 20-BLERJE Ampicillin | 108,000 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 39.5 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 29-BLERJE Bupivacaine | 29,187 | Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 291 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 37-BLERJE Methylergometrine Maleate | 6,855 | Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | 23.8 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 53-BLERJE Silver Sulphadiazine | 8,325 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 235 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 55-BLERJE Tobramycin | 4,247 | Announced the Winner | Rejsi FARMA SHPK | 141 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 56-BLERJE Dexamethasone + Neomycin | 9,720 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 194 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 57-BLERJE Papaverine hydrochloride | 5,400 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 58-BLERJE Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 54,000 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 59-BLERJE Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 189,000 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 60-BLERJE Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 189,000 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 54 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 61-BLERJE Hyoscine butylbromide 20 mg - 1ml | 71,580 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 23.4 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 62-BLERJE Hyoscine butylbromide 10 mg | 343 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 6.8 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 71-BLERJE Metoclopramid | 410 | Announced the Winner | EDNA - FARMA SHPK | 15.4 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 64-BLERJE Metformine 500 mg | 7,938 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 1.9 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 63-BLERJE Metformine 850 mg | 38,675 | Announced the Winner | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 2 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje" Riparim dhe mirembajtje e automjeteve per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,606,860 | Announced the Winner | KADIU SHPK | 390000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 57-blerje Paracetamol | 400,590 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | 113 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I: MMI | 1,576,780 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II: MM II | 1,388,345 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje"Protoksid azoti per nevoja te SRV" | 2,820,000 | Signed the Contract | VITAL Z & D SHPK | 2820000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 1-BLERJE Folic acid 5mg | 4,110 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 2-BLERJE Alanine + Arginine + Glycine + Histidine + Isoleucine + Leucine + Lysine acetate + Methionine + Phenylalanine + Proline + Serine + Taurine + Threonine + Tryptophan + Tyrosine + Valine | 27,931 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 3-BLERJE Soya-bean oil, Refined + Glucose anhydrous (as Glucose monohydrate) + Alanine + Arginine + Aspartic acid + Calcium chloride anhydrous (as Calcium chloride dihydrate) + Glutamic acid + Glycine + Histidine + Isoleucine + Leucine + Lysine (a | 249,224 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 5-BLERJE Glucose 4 gr -10 ml | 5,830 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 6-BLERJE Sodium lactate + Sodium chloride + Potassium chloride + Calcium chloride dihydrate | 365,310 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 8-BLERJE Sodium chloride 0.9% - 250 ml | 837,000 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 9-BLERJE Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) | 13,250 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 10-BLERJE Recombinant Coagulation Factor VIII | 170,670 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 12-BLERJE Mannitol | 649,425 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 14-BLERJE Cefotaxime | 300,530 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 15-BLERJE Ceftazidime | 115,158 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 27-BLERJE Phenobarbital | 225,593 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 26-BLERJE Morphine | 2,787 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 22- BLERJE Salbutamol | 10,638 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 21 -BLERJE Carbocisteine | 116,750 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 19-BLERJE Cefuroxime | 86,465 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 18- BLERJE Piperacillin Tazobactam | 5,292 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 28-BLERJE Lidocaine | 15,444 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 30-BLERJE Diazepam | 88 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 31-BLERJE Caffeine + sodium benzoate | 2,430 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 32-BLERJE Paracetamol 120mg/5ml-100ml | 3,065 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 33-BLERJE Paracetamol 500 mg | 5,018 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 34-BLERJE Paracetamol 250 mg | 1,533 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 35-BLERJE Prednisolone | 356,400 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 36-BLERJE Progesterone | 5,400 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 38-BLERJE Betamethasone | 1,688 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 39-BLERJE Neostigmine bromide | 42,336 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 40-BLERJE Amiodarone | 1,512 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 41-BLERJE Amlodipine | 432 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 42-BLERJE Atenolol | 496 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 43-BLERJE Enalapril | 1,070 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 44-BLERJE Metoprolol | 729 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 45-BLERJE Nebivolol | 2,376 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 46-BLERJE Lanatoside C | 7,938 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 47-BLERJE Dobutamine | 40,862 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 48-BLERJE Digoxin | 3,726 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 49-BLERJE Spironolactone | 1,512 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 50-BLERJE Ibuprofen | 1,215 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 51-BLERJE Fusidic acid + Hydrocortison | 11,535 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 52-BLERJE Fusidic acid | 4,498 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 54-BLERJE Tobramycin + Dexamethasone | 11,237 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 70-BLERJE Promethazine | 149 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 69-BLERJE Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 16,460 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 68-BLERJE Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 5,985 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 67-BLERJE Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 131 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 66-BLERJE Ranitidine | 131 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 65-BLERJE Omeprazole | 259 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 62-blerje Diazepam | 113,400 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3-blerje Tranexamic acid | 222,600 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4-blerje Calcium chloride | 160,050 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11-blerje Glucose 5% - 500 ml | 461,782 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 23-blerje Clopidogrel | 33,696 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 25-blerje Amoxicilline + acid clavulonic | 245,791 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26-blerje Azithromycin | 10,028 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 28-blerje Fluconazole | 39,005 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 29-Ciprofloxacine | 515,640 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 30-blerje Gentamicin sulphate | 38,160 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 31- blerje Levofloxacin | 401,051 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 35-blerje Ciprofloxacine | 1,431 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 43-blerje Cefuroxime 750 mg | 281,540 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 66-blerje Metamizole sodium | 16,703 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 71-blerje Dexamethasone | 108,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 78-blerje Lercanidipine | 6,105 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 79-blerje Methyldopa | 3,767 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 81-blerje Glyceryl trinitrate | 31,673 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 82-blerje Glyceryl trinitrate 5 mg-1.5 ml | 175,125 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 84-blerje Amiodarone 150 mg/3ml | 57,890 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 95-blerje Furosemide | 4,326 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 95-blerje Hydrochlorothiazide | 251 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 101-blerje Valsartan | 4,088 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 103-blerje Dopamine | 94,400 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 105-blerje Ketoprofen | 325,125 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 106-blerje Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml-100ml | 10,617 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 108-blerje Tramadol | 5,312 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 109-blerje Povidone Iodine | 302,400 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 120-blerje Ranitidine | 543,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 138-blerje Insulin Glargine | 86,729 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 140-blerje Insulin human (neutral) | 24,338 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 141-blerje Insulin isophane | 10,901 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 142-blerje Insulin Human (25/75) | 18,661 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 144-blerje Magnesium sulphate | 570,240 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente per laboratorin e anatomo-patologjise | 442,500 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | 400000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2- blerje Human albumine | 386,728 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | LEKLI SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje aparati per sistemin e elektroforezes per nevoja te Spitali Rajonal Vlore | 995,000 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 990000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9-blerje Human anti D-Rh imunoglobulin | 505,027 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10-blerje Potassium chloride | 262,350 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13-blerje Heparine me peshe molekulare te ulet Tinzaparin sodium | 4,904,600 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 24-blerje Amikacine | 153,396 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 27-blerje Ceftriaxone | 1,375,080 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 34-blerje Cefazoline | 1,503,900 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 37-blerje Fluconazole | 9,310 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 47-blerje Beclomethasone dipropionate | 35,025 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 50-blerje Propofol | 134,056 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDFAU SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 52-blerje Isoflurane | 412,996 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 56-blerje Sevoflurane | 3,148,250 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 70-blerje Midazolam | 90,885 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 72-blerje Methylprednisolone | 15,972 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 80-blerje Furosemide | 366,120 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 97-blerje Adrenaline | 44,946 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 104-blerje Diclofenac | 263,230 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 143-blerje Human Albumin Serum | 313,185 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | MEGAPHARMA shpk & MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 146-blerje Lende kontrasti per CT 351-400 mg/ ml | 1,225,854 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | INCOMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | "Filma imazherie,material dhe solucione per imazherine "per nevoja te SRV | 3,164,460 | Announced the Winner | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente per laboratoret spitalore | 19,676,460 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 19652370 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje pajisje mjeksore dhe radiologjike | 1,096,000 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje pajisje mjeksore artroskopi | 1,684,826 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 1680000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje pajisje laboratorike | 2,325,662 | Announced the Winner | Genius SHPK | 2305662 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje bulmet | 3,025,984 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje mish | 1,842,640 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje fruta perime | 1,466,473 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqime koloniale | 996,474 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje buke. | 662,840 | Announced the Winner | Shabani 2002 SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje"Materiale ndertimi,elektrike,hidraulike dhe materiale te tjera per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore" | 3,000,000 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 54145 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 1 Furnizimi me pllaka ortopedike | 4,779,670 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | LotI 2 Furnizim me materiale ortopedike | 15,729,355 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Materiale mjekimi per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore MM1" | 10,420,865 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje "Materiale mjekimi per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore MM2 | 11,639,015 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1- blerje Folic acid | 8,220 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5-blerje Alanine + Arginine + Glycine + Histidine + Isoleucine + Leucine + Lysine acetate + Methionine + Phenylalanine + Proline + Serine + Taurine + Threonine + Tryptophan + Tyrosine + Valine | 100,550 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6-blerje Soya-bean oil, Refined + Glucose anhydrous (as Glucose monohydrate) + Alanine + Arginine + Aspartic acid + Calcium chloride anhydrous (as Calcium chloride dihydrate) + Glutamic acid + Glycine + Histidine + Isoleucine + Leucine + Lysine . | 934,592 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7-blerje POLY(O-2-HYDROXYETHYL) STARCH (-MOLAR SUBSTITUTION 0.38-0.45, -MEAN MOLECULAR WEIGHT = 130.000 Da) + SODIUM ACETATE TRIHYDRATE + SODIUM CHLORIDE + POTASSIUM CHLORIDE + MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE HEXAHYDRATE | 406,494 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8-blerje Glucose 4 gr -10 ml | 20,405 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12-blerje Heparine sodium | 15,671 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14-blerje Sodium lactate + Sodium chloride + Potassium chloride + Calcium chloride dihydrate | 974,160 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15- blerje Calcium gluconate 1 gr / 10 ml | 41,373 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 16-blerje Sodium chloride 0.9% - 500 ml | 4,537,440 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 17-blerje Sodium chloride 0.9% - 250 ml | 2,511,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 18-blerje Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) | 37,100 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 19-blerje Recombinant Coagulation Factor VIII | 170,670 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 20-blerje Glucose 5% -250 ml | 631,680 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 21-blerje Mannitol | 649,425 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22-blerje Sodium bicarbonate 0.84 gr -10 ml | 224,900 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 32-blerje Cefotaxime | 901,590 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 33-blerje Ceftazidime | 345,474 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 36-blerje Metronidazole | 1,031,310 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 38-blerje Ciprofloxacine 200mg/100ml | 2,915,910 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 39-blerje Nystatin | 2,120 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 40-blerje Piperacillin + Tazobactam | 451,185 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 41-blerje Vancomycin | 123,894 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 42-blerje Cefuroxime 500 mg | 2,787 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 44-blerje Ampicillin | 92,642 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 45-blerje Levofloxacin | 25,067 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 46-blerje Carbocisteine | 44,592 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 48-blerje Salbutamol | 26,867 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 49-blerje Aminophylline | 26,595 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 51-blerje Fentanyl | 226,495 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 53-blerje Suxamethonium chloride | 143,017 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 54-blerje Pancuronium bromide | 324,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 55-blerje Thiopental | 38,526 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 58-blerje Morphine | 518,790 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 59-blerje Phenobarbital | 18,522 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 60-berje Codeine | 1,755 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 61-blerje Lidocaine | 115,830 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 63-blerje Bupivacaine | 145,935 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 64-blerje Caffeine + sodium benzoate | 4,860 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 65-blerje Diazepam 5 mg | 525 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 67-blerje Paracetamol 120mg/5ml-100ml | 3,065 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 68-blerje Paracetamol 500 mg | 5,018 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 69-blerje Paracetamol 250 mg | 1,533 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 73-blerje Prednisolone | 1,871,100 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 74-blerje Progesterone | 16,200 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 75-blerje Oxytocin | 277,300 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 76-blerje Betamethasone | 1,688 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 77-blerje Methylergometrine Maleate | 6,855 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 83-blerje Neostigmine bromide | 84,672 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 85-blerje Amiodarone 200 mg | 5,292 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 86-blerje Amlodipine | 1,512 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 87-blerje Atenolol | 2,232 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 88-blerje Bisoprolol | 1,242 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 89-blerje Enalapril | 3,210 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 90-blerje Metoprolol | 3,645 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 91-blerje Nebivolol | 8,910 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 92-blerje Acetylsalicylic acid | 458 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 93-blerje Lanatoside C | 18,522 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 94-blerje Dobutamine | 57,207 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 98-blerje Digoxin | 17,388 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 99-blerje Olmesartan | 2,232 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 100-blerje Spironolactone | 5,292 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 102-blerje Acetylsalicylic acid | 5,580 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 107-blerje Ibuprofen 200 mg | 2,673 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 110-blerje Fusidic acid + Hydrocortison | 11,535 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 111-blerje Fusidic acid 2%-15gr | 4,498 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 112-blerje Silver Sulphadiazine | 8,325 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 113-blerje Tobramycin + Dexamethasone | 33,711 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 114-blerje Tobramycin | 10,617 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 115-blerje Neomycine sulphate + Bacitracin | 22,680 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 116-blerje Indomethacin | 1,539 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 117-blerje Dexamethasone + Neomycin | 29,160 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 118-blerje Insulin Detemir | 13,662 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 119-blerje Omeprazole | 585,926 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 121-blerje Atropine sulphate | 145,800 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 122-blerje Papaverine hydrochloride | 162,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 123-blerje Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 405,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 124-blerje Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 405,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 125-blerje Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 324,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 126-blerje Hyoscine butylbromide | 128,844 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 127-blerje Hyoscine butylbromide 10 mg | 1,372 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 128-blerje Glibenclamide | 51 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 129-blerje Metformine 1000 mg | 416 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 130-blerje Metformine 850 mg | 1,230 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 131-blerje Metformine 500 mg | 396 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 132-blerje Omeprazole | 16,460 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 133-blerje Ranitidine | 7,980 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 134-blerje Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) | 522 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 135-blerje Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) | 392 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 136-blerje Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) | 518 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 137-blerje Promethazine | 15,876 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 139-blerje Metoclopramid | 116,025 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 145-blerje Ondansetron | 37,800 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 147-blerje Lende kontrasti per MRI Gadopentetic acid, Dimeglumine salt (corresp. to 78.63mg/ml Gadolinum) | 1,501,673 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kalim kabines elektrike nga 6kv ne 20kv per Spitalin Rajonal Vlore | 2,853,901 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje e sistemit elektronik te parkimit dhe sistemit te kamerave per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,977,777 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparim dhe mirembajtje e automjeteve per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,799,100 | Announced the Winner | KADIU SHPK | 1634360 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | F.V pajisje hotelerike spitalore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve. | 3,431,507 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | 3399080 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 2 - Sodium chloride | 0 | Signed the Contract | Medicamenta SHPK - Edna Farma SHPK - Trimed SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 32 Povidone Iodine | 0 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 3 - Glucose 5% - 500 ml | 0 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 5 - Tinzaparine sodium | 0 | Signed the Contract | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 11 - Human albumine | 0 | Signed the Contract | LEKLI SHPK & MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 12 - Human anti D-Rh imunoglobulin | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1-Rikonstruksioni i Poliklinikes | 73,744,869 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | COLOMBO SHPK | 69426611 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4- Blerje barna per sistemin kardiovaskular | 8,646 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5- Blerje barna per sistemin nervor | 13,717 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2-Blerje barna gjaku dhe organe formuese te gjakut | 339,317 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6-Blerje barna per anestezi-reanimacion | 31,132 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3-Blerje barna anti-infektiv te pergjithshem | 754,040 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1-Blerje barna hormonale sistemike,hormonet seksuale | 29,112 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | F.V pajisje per sallat e operacionit te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 16,666,667 | Signed the Contract | Euromed & Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 16316200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | F.V pajisje hotelerike spitalore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve | 3,431,507 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2- Rikonstruksion i sistemit te rjetit dhe kamerave ,sistemit te rradhes dhe sistemit ne recepsion te godines se Poliklinikes | 2,505,131 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | ONI SHPK | 2491400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1- F.V pajisje mjekesore per Polikliniken e Specialiteteve | 13,235,160 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK & MEDFAU SHPK | 12983000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4-Blerje barna per sistemin kardiovaskular | 8,646 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2-Blerje barna per gjakun dhe organet formuese te gjakut | 341,120 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3-Blerje barna anti-infektive te pergjithshme | 752,237 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1-Blerje barna hormonale sistemike,hormonet seksuale | 29,112 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6-Blerje barnash per anestezi-reanimacion | 31,132 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5-Blerje barnash per sistemin nervor | 13,717 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje e sistemit elektronik te parkimit dhe sistemit te kamerave per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,977,777 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbimi me roje private | 7,853,572 | Announced the Winner | Global security SHPK | 7558474.56 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje pajisje mjeksore dhe radiologjike per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,303,400 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 1302200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IV Ushqime Koloniale | 898,444 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 894700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Blerje Mish | 1,343,096 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1340300 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Blerje Bulmet" | 2,133,581 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 2116700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Blerje Buke | 620,875 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 602580 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti V Fruta Perime | 1,003,985 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 999588 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2- blerje kite-reagente per laboratorin e anatomo-patologjise | 596,600 | Signed the Contract | EUROMED shpk | 456500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1-Blerje kite – reagent për laboratorët spitalore | 11,733,871 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 11718084 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2- Mirembajtje pajisje laboratorike | 888,060 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 876160 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 29 Betamethasone | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 31 Neomycine sulphate + Bacitracin | 0 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 2 - Sodium chloride | 0 | Signed the Contract | Medicamenta SHPK - Edna Farma SHPK - Trimed SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Ruajtja me roje private e spitalit. | 654,464 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 640729.05 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 6 Filgrastim | 0 | Signed the Contract | INTERMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 28 Fusidic acid + Hydrocortison | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 11 - Human albumine | 0 | Signed the Contract | LEKLI SHPK & MEGAPHARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 32 Povidone Iodine | 0 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 33 Silver Sulphadiazine | 0 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 3 - Glucose 5% - 500 ml | 0 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 5 - Tinzaparine sodium | 0 | Signed the Contract | EVITA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 7 - Heparine sodium | 0 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 12 - Human anti D-Rh imunoglobulin | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve të rrezikshme për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 8,700,000 | Signed the Contract | ECO RICIKLIM | 8699992 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike,elektrike si dhe materiale te tjere per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,699,994 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 2399000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Phytomenadion (Vitamin K) Loti 27 | 13,836 | Signed the Contract | IMI PHARMA SHPK | 13833 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Salbutamol Loti 77 | 11,514 | Signed the Contract | Rejsi FARMA SHPK | 11490 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje POLY(O-2-HYDROXYETHYL) Loti 18 | 67,749 | Signed the Contract | Rejsi FARMA SHPK | 67700 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Oxytocin Loti 13 | 110,920 | Signed the Contract | IMI PHARMA SHPK | 110000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Dexamethasone Loti 11 | 21,600 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 21600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Human Antitetanus Immunoglobulin Loti 8 | 57,150 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 57100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Lercanidipine Loti 51 | 2,775 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 2500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ranitidine Loti 37 | 117,650 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 117000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Human anti D-Rh imunoglobulin Loti 23 | 183,646 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 183600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Vancomycin Loti 9 | 49,558 | Signed the Contract | Albanian New Farm SHPK | 49400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Clopidogrel Loti 17 | 13,104 | Signed the Contract | Albanian New Farm SHPK | 12600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje DOPAMINE Loti-47 | 37,760 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 37600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Tinzaparin sodium Loti 19 | 579,284 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 579150 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Amoxicilline | 23,055 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 23034 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Mefenamic acid Loti 59 | 398 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 396 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Aminophylline Loti 73 | 7,092 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 7080 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Olmesartan Loti 55 | 670 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 666 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Methyldopa Loti 52 | 837 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 830 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Lanatoside C Loti 50 | 5,292 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 5290 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Paracetamol + Hyoscine Loti 72 | 2,671 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 2670 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Potassium chloride Loti 25 | 58,300 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 58000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Heparine sodium Loti 20 | 4,477 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 4476 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ciprofloxacine Loti 3 | 42,970 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 42900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Nystatin Loti 7 | 848 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 840 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Atropine sulphate Loti 29 | 24,300 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 24000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Valsartan Loti 58 | 1,022 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 1020 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ranolazine Loti 57 | 6,703 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 6702 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Aciclovir Loti 62 | 1,605 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 1600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Enalapril Loti 48 | 642 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 630 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Carbocisteine Loti 75 | 14,188 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 14140 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Hyoscine butylbromide Loti 30 | 16,699 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 16660 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Levofloxacin Loti 6 | 3,581 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 3580 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Amiodarone Loti 44 | 1,134 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 1125 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ciprofloxacin Loti 41 | 6,567 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 6567 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Calcium chloride Loti 16 | 34,144 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 34080 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Codeine Loti 65 | 702 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 702 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Metoclopramid Loti 33 | 23,205 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 23100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Omeprazole Loti 34 | 2,469 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 2460 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Acenocoumarol Loti 15 | 282 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 280.9 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Hydrochlorothiazide Loti 49 | 107 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 105 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Diazepam Loti 66 | 4,536 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 4530 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Nebivolol Loti 53 | 1,188 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 1180 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Propafenon Loti 56 | 2,882 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 2880 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Pyridoxine hydrochloride Loti 38 | 64,800 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 64800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Metamizole sodium Loti 68 | 7,349 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 7326 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Amlodipine Loti 45 | 216 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 210 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Levofloxacin Loti 5 | 171,879 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 171870 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sodium bicarbonate Loti 26 | 67,470 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 67350 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Magnesium sulphate Loti 32 | 142,560 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 142500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Tretës: Blerje Bupivacaine Loti 63 | 43,781 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 43770 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Amiodarone Loti 43 | 12,405 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 12405 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Gentamicin sulphate Loti 4 | 3,816 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 3800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje MORPHINE Loti 69 | 86,400 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 86000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Papaverine hydrochloride Loti 36 | 16,200 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 16200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Insulin Glargine Loti 31 | 28,910 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 28907.5 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ascorbic acid Loti 40 | 43,200 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 43200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Lidocaine Loti 67 | 15,444 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 15400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Loti 28 | 7,950 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 7950 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Dexamethasone + Neomycin sulphate Loti 42 | 9,982 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 9978 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Promethazine Loti 76 | 8,467 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 8464 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ketoprofen Loti 61 | 108,375 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 108250 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ondansetron Loti 35 | 30,240 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 30240 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Caffeine + sodium benzoate Loti 64 | 2,430 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 2430 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Prednisolone Loti 14 | 712,800 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 712800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Thiamine hydrochloride Loti 39 | 64,800 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 64800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Phenobarbital Loti 71 | 5,292 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 5290 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Neostigmine bromide Loti 70 | 9,526 | Signed the Contract | CFO PHARMA | 9522 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ciprofloxacine Loti 3 | 0 | Announced the Winner | CFO PHARMA | 42900 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Beclomethasone dipropionate Loti 74 | 0 | Signed the Contract | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 7922 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Human Albumin Serum Loti 21 | 104,395 | Announced the Winner | MEDICAMENTA SHPK | 104370 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirembajtje e objekteve ndertimore,impjantistike,pasjijeve hotelerike per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,499,979 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje shtypshkrime dhe letër për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,200,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1- Mirembajtje pajisje mjeksore dhe radiologjike | 1,303,400 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ceftriaxone Loti 6 | 217,713 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 180500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ciprofloxacine Loti 9 | 712,782 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 712250 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Diclofenac Loti 76 | 114,845 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 110400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Omeprazole Loti 48 | 79,899 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 79875 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Paracetamol Loti 90 | 80,118 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 80100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Cefotaxime Loti 4 | 399,705 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 399000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sodium chloride Loti 36 | 945,335 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 945000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Midazolam Loti 87 | 0 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 20000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Calcium gluconate Loti 43 | 13,791 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 13770 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Metronidazole Loti14 | 229,172 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 229000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Pancuronium bromide Loti 79 | 54,000 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 54000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sodium chloride Loti 37 | 290,762 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 290500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sodium lactate + Sodium chloride + Potassium chloride +Calcium chloride dehydrate Loti 38 | 284,126 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 283500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Mannitol Loti 33 | 55,665 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 55600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ceftazidime Loti 5 | 57,579 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 57450 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Furosemide Loti 64 | 67,810 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 64500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Ranitidine Loti 52 | 1,994 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 1500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Cefuroxime Loti 7 | 132,725 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 132000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Chloramphenicol Loti 8 | 7,204 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 7200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sevoflurane Loti 92 | 314,825 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 225000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Cefazoline, Loti 3 | 150,394 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 142500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale mjekimi konsumabel dhe kirurgjikal Loti 2 | 0 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 1813829 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale mjekimi te pergjithshem Loti 1 | 0 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 1864435 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje oksigjen mjekesor per nevojat e Spitalit deri me 15 Prill 2018 | 2,073,600 | Signed the Contract | MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK | 2073600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksioni i Poliklinikes se Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 53,272,933 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje ushqime per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 6,000,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparim dhe mirëmbajtje automjetesh për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,800,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim dhe trajtim i mbetjeve të rrezikshme spitalore, për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 4,720,008 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | ECO RICIKLIM | 4716789 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut, Clopidogrel 75 mg Tablete/Kapsule | 7,749 | Signed the Contract | Aldosch-Farma SHPK | 6000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbeturinave të rrezikshme për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 3,109,503 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Euroteam SHPK | 2332125 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 - Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm, Cefepime | 706,512 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 538800 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 - Sistemi kardiovaskular, Dopamine 50 mg - 5 ml Flakon/Ampule | 116,004 | Signed the Contract | INCOMED SHPK | 93600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë. Loti 2 - Blerje Bemiparine sodium | 855,690 | Announced the Winner | Albanian New Farm SHPK | 855600 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë. Loti 3 - Blerje Dalteparine sodium | 1,996,032 | Signed the Contract | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | 1995000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 - Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm, Fluconazole 100 mg/50 ml, Flakon/ Ampule | 34,714 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 - Anti-infektive të përgjithshëm, Viper venom antiserum 100 AE, Flakon/ Ampule | 60,749 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut, Human anti D-Rh imunoglobuline, 1250UI, Shiringe e parapërgatitur | 331,124 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese të gjakut, Human Albumin Serum x 200g/l, 20%-100ML, Flakon/ Ampule | 216,960 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 - Sistemi kardiovaskular, Glyceryl trinitrate, 5 mg-1.5 ml, Flakon/ Ampule | 166,716 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 - Antituberkulare Rifampicin dhe isoniazid, 150mg dhe 100mg, Tablete/ kapsule | 45,288 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 - Antituberkulare Tuberculin, PPD 2TU/01mlx1.5ml, Flakon/ Ampule | 310,860 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë. Loti 1 - Blerje Methotrexate | 12,728 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut, Oxytocin 10UI / ml Flakon/ Ampule | 100,260 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje barna (Heparin me MPU dhe Methotrexate) për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në Lote. Loti 1 - Anti-neoplastike dhe immunomodulatore, Methotrexate, 50 mg/5ml, Flakon/Ampule | 12,728 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje barna (Heparin me MPU dhe Methotrexate) për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në Lote. Loti 2 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese të gjakut, Bemiparine sodium, 3500 UI Shiringë e para përgatitur; Dalteparine sodium, 5000 UI, Shiringë e para përgatitur | 2,851,722 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje shtypshkrime dhe letër për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,250,000 | Signed the Contract | Rama Graf SHPK | 1102170 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbeturinave të rrezikshme për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 2,451,330 | Signed the Contract | Euroteam SHPK | 2369619 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 1 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm | 446,843 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 2 - Anestezi Reanimacion | 24,300 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 3 - Antituberkulare | 357,303 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 4 - Barna dermatologjike | 35,509 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 5 - Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale | 249,243 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 6 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese të gjakut | 223,892 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 7 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës | 125,179 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 8 - Organet e Shisave | 184,561 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 9 - Sistemi kardiovaskular | 165,959 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 10 - Sistemi muskolo-skeletik | 139,930 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 12 - Sistemi respirator | 54,294 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë, ndarë në 12 Lote. Loti 11 - Sistemi Nervor | 118,857 | Re-Proclaimed Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi me roje private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 10,791,627 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 9225088.28 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparime dhe mirëmbajtje të automjeteve për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë - financuar nga Buxheti i shtetit | 2,083,333 | Signed the Contract | ALSTEZO SHPK | 2059200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 1 - Blerje bukë gruri | 544,680 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 538560 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 2 - Blerje bulmet | 1,507,970 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1380500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 3 - Blerje mish | 1,086,739 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1073915 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 4 - Blerje ushqime koloniale | 665,231 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 653150 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 5 - Blerje perime, fruta | 782,319 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 781065 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i ruajtjes me roje private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 317,407 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 317407.166666667 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje pajisje mjekësore të reanimacionit të pediatrisë në Spitalin Rajonal Vlore, ndarë në Lote - Loti 1 - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,078,983 | Signed the Contract | FEDOS SHPK | 780000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve mjekësore për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë,ndarë në Lote. Loti 1 - Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve mjekësore dhe laboratorike - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,776,765 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 1774100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve mjekësore për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë,ndarë në Lote. Loti 2 - Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve të sterilizimit - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,140,000 | Signed the Contract | FEDOS SHPK | 1140000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente për laboratorët spitalor dhe laboratorin e anatomo-patologjisë, ndarë në dy Lote - financuar nga Buxheti i shtetit- Loti 1 - Blerje kite reagentë për laboratorët spitalor | 12,944,066 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 12927791 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje e objekteve ndërtimore, impiantistike, pajisjeve të hotelerisë për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 3,464,977 | Signed the Contract | COLOMBO SHPK | 3444470 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim mbeturinash urbane per Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë - financuar nga Buxheti i shtetit | 1,120,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Fationi-2001 SHPK | 1110484 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje kite reagente për laboratorët spitalor dhe laboratorin e anatomo-patologjisë, ndarë në dy Lote - financuar nga Buxheti i shtetit- Loti 2 - Blerje kite reagent për laboratorin e anatomo-patologjisë | 1,109,700 | Announced the Winner | KRIJON SHPK | 848400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 1,745,775 | Signed the Contract | ALBAPHOTO SHPK | 1192100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje protoxid-azoti për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 2,749,500 | Signed the Contract | VITAL Z & D SHPK | 2749500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje pajisje mjekësore të reanimacionit të pediatrisë në Spitalin Rajonal Vlore, ndarë në Lote - Loti 2 - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 921,017 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi me Roje Private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,027,774 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 1001864.325 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje e paisjeve mjekësore skaner dhe rezonancë magnetike (FULL RISK) | 4,124,486 | Signed the Contract | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 4124486 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i lavanterisë dhe hotelerisë në Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë për një periudhë 4-vjecare | 195,523,008 | Signed the Contract | ABI’S” SH.P.K” | 194980080 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Rikonstruksion i godinës së reanimacionit të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë- Burimi i Financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 13,642,796 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | COLOMBO SHPK | 13527702 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Sevofluran dhe Isofluran për nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit | 2,403,440 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | MEGAPHARMA SHPK | 2403306 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje shtretër pacienti spitalor manual, stativa serumi, dyshek, mbulese spitalore (45 copë) | 3,800,000 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | WCENTER SHPK | 3060000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 1,448,820 | Signed the Contract | Fatos Lashi (Egian) | 1420100 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje FULL RISK e paisjeve mjekësore skaner dhe rezonancë magnetike | 2,841,313 | Signed the Contract | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 2841312.43333333 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 - Anti-infektive të përgjithshem, Amoxicilline dhe acid clavulonic, 1gr dhe 200 mg, 500 Flakon | 97,279 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 96000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Cefazolinë sodium 1 gram, 5000 Flakon | 552,724 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 395000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Cefotaximë sodium 1 gram, 3000 Flakon | 927,779 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 870000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Ceftazidime 1 gram, 1000 Flakon | 226,985 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 220000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Ceftriaxone 1 gram, 500 Flakon | 76,644 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 44000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Cefuroxime sodium 750 mg, 3000 Flakon | 486,397 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 384000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm Ciprofloxacine, 100 mg/10ml, 6000 Ampule | 284,763 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 284400 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Metronidazole 500 mg - 100 ml, 1000 Flakon | 117,914 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 117500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 13 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese të gjakut, Calcium chloride, 1g/10 ml, 1000 Ampule | 43,923 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 43500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 14 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut, Potassium chloride, 0-75 gr-10 ml, 1000 Ampule | 58,300 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 58000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 15 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut, Sodium bikarbonate, 0-84 gr -10 ml, 500 Ampule | 25,794 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 25500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 16 - Gjaku dhe organet formuese të gjakut, Sodium lactate dhe Sodium Chloride dhe Potassium Chloride dhe CaCl x 2H20 500 ml, 3000 Flakon | 309,525 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 261000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 17 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Hyoscine butylbromide, 20 mg - 1ml, 1500 Ampule | 35,591 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 28500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 19 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Metoclopramid Hydrochloride, 10mg-2ml, 1000 Ampula | 15,768 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 15000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 20 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Omeprazol, 40 mg, 300 Flakon | 164,441 | Signed the Contract | Albanian New Farm SHPK | 149940 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 21 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Ranitidine 50 mg/ 2 ml, 5000 Ampula | 93,108 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 92500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 22 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Vitamine B 6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 100 mg -2 ml, 1000 Ampule | 54,000 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 53000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 23 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Vitamine B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) 10 mg, 300 Tableta | 793 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 750 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 24 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Vitamine C (Acid ascorbic) 100 mg, 500 Tablete | 1,296 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 1200 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 25 - Sistemi kardiovaskular, Adrenaline 0-1 mg -1 ml, 500 Ampule | 22,820 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 22500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 28 - Sistemi muskolo-skeletik, Pancuronium bromide 4 mg - 2 ml, 300 Ampule | 33,508 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 33450 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 29 - Sistemi nervor, Metamizol sodium 1 gr/2 ml, 1000 Ampule | 22,917 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 22500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 31 - Sistemi nervor, Paracetamol 1gr, 1000 Ampule | 180,209 | Signed the Contract | Pharma One SHPK | 179000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 32 - Sistemi nervor, Thiopental 1 gram, 300 Flakon | 45,276 | Signed the Contract | FLORFARMA SHPK | 45270 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 34 - Sistemi respirator, Prometazine 50 mg/ 2 ml, 200 Ampule | 10,584 | Signed the Contract | OMEGA Farma Group SHPK | 10500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 33 - Sistemi nervor, Tramadol 100 mg-2ml, 500 Ampule | 13,641 | Announced the Winner | FLORFARMA SHPK | 12500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje pajisje mjekësore (aparat anestezie dhe sistem mikrokirurgjikal të syrit) për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit /Grante, donacione | 7,400,000 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 7350000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje monitor pacienti për repartin e neurologjisë, për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 2,030,000 | Signed the Contract | FEDOS SHPK | 1995000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti - Blerje barnash të sistemeve të ndryshme | 932,168 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 - Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm, Cefepime 1 gram, 1000 Flakon | 555,430 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10 - Anti-infektivë të pergjithshëm, Levofloxacin 500 mg, 300 Tablete | 25,899 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12 - Anti-infektive te pergjithshem, Piperacilline dhe Tazobactam, 4 gr dhe 500 mg, 300 Flakon | 220,205 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 18 - Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës, Insulinë humane neutrale, 100UI/ML, 50 copë Shiringa të p-pergatitura | 25,605 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 26 - Sistemi kardiovaskular, Amiodaron 150 mg/3ml, 60 Ampule | 6,133 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 27 - Sistemi kardiovaskular, Dobutamine hydrochloride 250 mg - 20 ml, 30 Flakon | 25,337 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 30 - Sistemi nervor, Midazolam 15 mg/3 ml, 300 Ampule | 46,854 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 176,750 | Signed the Contract | IRIS SHPK | 176500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i ruajtjes së sigurisë me roje private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,542,260 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 1279304.675 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje filma dhe materiale të tjera për shërbimin e imazherisë për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 1,625,570 | Cancelled Procurement | SAER MEDICAL SHPK | 1173675 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje pajisje mjekësore | 4,900,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Përgatitja e dokumentacionit teknik për rregjistrim të pasurive të paluajtshme shtetërore në ZRPP | 1,127,470 | Signed the Contract | Alma Durolli - GEO SUD SHPK | 747000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje monitor neonatal dhe monitor pediatrik për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 1,200,000 | Signed the Contract | FEDOS SHPK | 1160000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i ruajtjes së sigurisë me roje private për nevoja të Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 4,156,380 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi i ruajtjes së sigurisë me roje private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 771,128 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 767582.805 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 Anti-infektivë të përgjithshëm : Cefuroxime axetil, Ciprofloxacine , Amoxicilline , Ampicilline sodium , Doxycycline | 206,645 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 Antituberkulare : Ethambutol, Pyroziniamid, Rifampicine, Tuberculine PPD | 148,133 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 3 Anestezi Reanimacion: Ushqim parenteral total, Fentanyl | 50,214 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 4 Barnadermatologjike, Acid fucidik dhe hydrocortisone acetat , Betamethasone, Neomycine dhe bacitracine , Sulphadiaziniargenticum | 43,606 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 5 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale: Methylergometrine Maleate, Methylprednisolonsuccinat, Progesterone | 91,903 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 6 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut : Acenocoumarol, Acetylsalicylic acid, Acid folic , Ferrous sulphate , Human anti D-Rh imunoglobulin , Vitamine B12 (Cyanocobalamine) | 41,812 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 7 Metabolizmi dhe trakti tretës : Hyoscinebutylbromide, Glibenclamide , InsulineIzofane, HUMAN INSULIN BIPHASIC 70/30 , Metformine , Omeprazol , Ranitidine , Vitamine B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) , Vitamine C (Acid ascorbic) | 57,264 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 8 Organet e shqisave : Betamethasone dhe Chloramphenicol ,Ciprofloxacine , Dexamethasone dhe Neomycin dhe polymyxin B ,Tobramycine, Tobramycine dhe Dexamethasone , Dexamethasone dhe Neomycin | 139,088 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 10 Sistemimuskolo-skeletik: Acid mefenamic, Ibuprofen , Ibuprofen | 7,344 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 11 Sistemi nervor : Caffeine sodium benzoate, Carbamazepine , Diazepam , Paracetamol , Paracetamol, Paracetamol, Paracetamol , Phenobarbital, Piracetam, Valproic acid dhe sodium valproate | 71,214 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 12 Sistemi respirator: Ambroxol, Beclometasonedipropionate, Carbocisteine , Salbutamol aerosol | 42,284 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 9 Sistemi kardiovaskular : Amiodaron, Amlodipine , Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Digoxin, Digoxin, Furosemide, Isosorbidemononitrate , Ketotifen , Lanatoside C, Lercanidipine , Methyldopa , Metoprolol , Nebivolol, Nifedipine, Nitroglicerine , Olmesartan , Propafenon , Simvastatine, Spironolactone, Verapamil hydrochloride, Dopamine , GLYCERYL TRINITRATE | 229,431 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbeturinave të rrezikshme spitalore | 4,530,000 | Signed the Contract | Euroteam SHPK | 3397500 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Riparime dhe mirëmbajtje të automjeteve për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 2,083,330 | Signed the Contract | ALSTEZO SHPK | 2067000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje shtypshkrime dhe letër për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë | 2,066,670 | Signed the Contract | Rama Graf SHPK | 1687990 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimore për nevojat spitalore- Loti 1 - Blerje bukë gruri- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 641,700 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 634570 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimore për nevojat spitalore- Loti 2 - Blerje bulmet- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,723,260 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1720000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimore për nevojat spitalore- Loti 3 - Blerje mish- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,483,230 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1480000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimore për nevojat spitalore- Loti 4 - Blerje ushqime koloniale- Burimi i financimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 718,204 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 718050 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Shërbimi me roje private për nevojat e Spitalit Rajonal Vlorë | 1,542,260 | Signed the Contract | Global security SHPK | 1486750.975 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje pajisje mjekësore për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë- Loti 1 - Mirëmbajtje të pajisjeve mjekësore dhe laboratorike- Burimi i investimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,910,470 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 1900765 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje pajisje mjekësore për Spitalin Rajonal Vlorë- Loti 2 - Mirëmbajtje e pajisjeve të sterilizimit- Burimi i investimit - Buxheti i Shtetit | 1,142,000 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 1140000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje artikuj ushqimorë për nevojat spitalore- Loti 5 - Blerje perime, fruta | 1,000,690 | Signed the Contract | Shabani 2002 SHPK | 1000175 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 - Blerje kite reagente për laboratorët spitalor | 11,421,000 | Signed the Contract | Genius SHPK | 11410222 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 - Blerje kite reagente për laboratorin e anatomo-patologjisë | 1,078,050 | Signed the Contract | KRIJON SHPK | 835300 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Mirëmbajtje e objekteve fizike, impiantistike dhe pajisje hotelerie për Spitalin Vlorë | 3,500,000 | Signed the Contract | COLOMBO SHPK | 3479407 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 - Projekt preventiv zbatimi për rikonstruksionin e godinës së poliklinikës Spitali Vlorë | 1,666,670 | Signed the Contract | Palma Costruction SHPK | 1289000 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 - Projekt preventiv zbatimi për rikontruksionin e një magazine për depo farmacie për spitalin dhe rikonstruksionin e farmacisë | 916,667 | Signed the Contract | Palma Costruction SHPK | 689000 |
Procurement Authority | Tenderer/Contracting Institution | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Lotit II “Blerje Oksigjen Gaz” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 663,552 | Announced Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim gatimi dhe shperndarje ushqimi per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,747,480 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Furnizim dhe vendosje Aparat Okulistik per vitrektomine per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal vlore | 15,788,334 | Signed the Contract | Gen-Alb Farma SHPK | 15,590,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore | 17,500,000 | Announced the Winner | ECO RICIKLIM | 17,071,865.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Furnizim dhe vendosje chiller inverter per repartin e pediatrise per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 3,169,500 | Signed the Contract | GSM KLIMAIRE SHPK | 2,780,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 "Blerje Oksigjen Leng" per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 16,992,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2 "Blerje oksigjen gaz" per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 1,228,800 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Sherbim ,Mirembajtje, Pajisje Mamografi,grafi portable, grafi statike per nevoja te SRV” | Signed the Contract | MSE | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 9,914,425 | Announced the Winner | ALIRAJ & K sh.p.k. | 8,742,580.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata1-Loti I Blerje Materiale Mjekimi te pergjithshme | Signed the Contract | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti IV Blerje doreza ekzaminimi dhe kirurgjikale | Signed the Contract | Aquarius Medical | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti I Blerje Materiale Mjekimi te pergjithshme | 17,754,400 | Announced the Winner | MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK | 17,587,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti II Blerje Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale | Signed the Contract | EUROMED SHPK & OES DISTRIMED SHPK | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-Loti III Blerje sisteme infuzioni | Signed the Contract | ALMEDICAL SHPK | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Minikontrata 1-loti 2 "Blerje filma dhe materiale te tjera per sherbimin e imazherise" | Signed the Contract | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | loti 2 "Blerje filma dhe materiale te tjera per sherbimin e imazherise" | 1,052,000 | Announced the Winner | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | 1,051,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje materiale hidraulike, elektrike si dhe materiale te tjera” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore. Marrëveshje kuadër me një operator ekonomik- ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara - me afat 18 muaj | 9,914,425 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim ,Mirembajtje, Pajisje Mamografi,grafi portable, grafi statike per nevoja te SRV” | 9,999,604 | Announced the Winner | MSE | 8,999,300.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | loti 1 "Blerje Filma radiologjike dixhitale e pershtatshme per printerin FUJIFILM Dry Pix Smart ose ekuivalent" | 480,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 2"Blerje materiale konsumi per laboratorin e Anatomo-patologjise" | 3,703,070 | Announced the Winner | Distributor of Medical Devices Group | 1,695,900.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti IV Blerje doreza ekzaminimi dhe kirurgjikale | 2,940,000 | Announced the Winner | Aquarius Medical | 2,040,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti II Blerje Materiale mjekimi konsumi dhe kirurgjikale | 25,353,359 | Announced the Winner | EUROMED SHPK & OES DISTRIMED SHPK | 25,275,562.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti III Blerje sisteme infuzioni | 2,970,000 | Announced the Winner | ALMEDICAL SHPK | 2,601,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | FV Dyer te brendshme druri importi cilesia e pare ” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 2,587,096 | Signed the Contract | Bolt SHPK | 2,091,000.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim Mirembajtje Full – Risk te pajisjeve mjekesore CT,skaner,MRI,Rezonance Magnetike” per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 25,254,264 | Signed the Contract | HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK | 22,586,400.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Blerje Materiale Mjekesore per Ortopedine per nevoja te SRV | 1,930,200 | Signed the Contract | TRIMED SHPK | 1,885,800.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Evadim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore per nevoja te SRV | 10,556,319 | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | MEDI-TEL SHPK | 7,939,442.00 |
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Sherbim Mirembajtje Full-Risk te Pajisjeve mjeksore CT,Skaner,MRI,Rezonance Magentike per nevoja te SRV | 33,457,920 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1 "Blerje tubave/sistemeve te marrjes se gjakut” | 5,539,950 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Regional Hospital of Vlora | Regional Hospital of Vlora | Loti 1:F.V. pajisje mjeksore per urgjencen e Spitalit Rajonal Vlore | 7,014,417 | Signed the Contract | KRIJON SHPK | 6,670,000.00 |
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