Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Peqin 163 475 1,952,386,095 301 1,734,818,078 1,674,317,702

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Peqin “Ndriçimi i Njesive Administrative dhe Bashkise Peqin” 10,000,000 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Rikonstruksion i rruges Via Egnatia, Bashkia Peqin 16,416,482 Signed the Contract “TOTILA” shpk & “AL-MEXWOOD” 15,726,600.00
Local Unit Peqin Rikonstruksion i varrezave te qytetit, Bashkia Peqin 7,598,015 Signed the Contract “Impuls 10” Shpk & “SAM-ARS 2016” SHPK 7,051,263.00
Local Unit Peqin Rehabilitim kanali kullues fshati Rrumbullake, Njesia Administrative Gjocaj 3,333,333 Announced the Winner FLED SHPK 2,909,384.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje materiale shkollore per sherbime per Shkollat dhe Kopshtet e Bashkise Peqin 2,083,000 Announced the Winner T&J Construction sh.p.k 2,050,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Dezinfektim i objekteve arsimore, Bashkia Peqin 999,000 Cancelled Procurement CLEAN FAST 520,600.00
Local Unit Peqin Ndërhyrje Emergjente në Argjinaturën e Lumit Shkumbin për shmangien e shembjes së rrugës Cengelaj - Shezë, Bashkia Peqin 49,691,349 Announced the Winner “ASI-2A CO”sh.p.k. & “Shendelli” sh.p.k 48,179,355.00
Local Unit Peqin “Kolaudim i objektit “Ndertim i rrjetit te ujesjellesit te fshatit Bicaj dhe Caushaj”. 410,000 Announced the Winner “STATENG” shpk 372,514.00
Local Unit Peqin Mbikqyrje e objektit “Rindertim i shkolles Sheze”. 1,604,307 Announced the Winner ERSI/M SHPK 1,537,189.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje materiale pastrimi Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Peqin blerje materiale pastrimi 980,000 Announced the Winner Malvina Visoka 690,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Rindertim i shkolles Sheze Peqin 81,761,285 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract “BLERIMI”SH.P.K & METEO SH.P.K 80,000,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje pajisje elektronike Laptop Bashkia Peqin”. 999,000 Announced the Winner Blueprint Technologies 499,500.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje pajisje elektronike Laptop Bashkia Peqin 999,000 Cancelled Procurement ZGA 350,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Riparim dhe mirëmajtje makinash 2,916,600 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner “Anisa Nuri” p.f. 2,827,500.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje betoni per rikonstruksionin e sheshit pranë kalase se qytetit 1,000,000 Announced the Winner Impuls 10 930,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Hartim i Planit te Mbareshtimit te Ekonomise Pyjore “Zalli Shkumbin 666,666 Announced the Winner  LURIMI 599,999.00
Local Unit Peqin Hartim i Planit te Mbareshtimit te Ekonomise Pyjore “Zalli Shkumbin Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Blerje Uniforma Veshje Për Policinë Bashkiake”. 800,000 Announced the Winner Aleksander Gjergjefi 630,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje materiale per Agjensine e Shërbimeve Komunitare dhe Administrative 1,000,000 Announced the Winner Erjon Asllani 890,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Sherbim sistemit elektronik i intergruar per menaxhimin Financiar dhe te Ardhurave Vendore 1,000,000 Announced the Winner LACONICS 960,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje karburanti 8,370,000 Signed the Contract KASTRATI 8,370,000.00
Local Unit Peqin blerje pllaka varrimi 833,300 Announced the Winner SHKELZEN BAHJA 740,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Sherbim interneti per Bashkine Peqin. 300,000 Announced the Winner Gezim Çerri  299,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Organizim aktiviteti “Koncert për Diten e Veres Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Peqin Ndertimi i tregut te produkteve Bujqesore 17,467,693 Signed the Contract “Lluca” shpk & “Meteo” shpk 16,976,588.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje Dru Zjarri, 2,500,000 Signed the Contract Gjergj Buça 2,491,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Blerje pajisje zyre Announced the Winner ELECTRON ALBANIA 2008 329,000.00
Local Unit Peqin Rikonstruksion i rruges Metallaj- Varreza Nj Adm Karine, Bashkia Peqin 2,894,010 Cancelled Procurement TOTILA SHPK 2,820,080.00
Local Unit Peqin Studime projektime per objekte te ndryshme 2,500,000 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner 2 ED & Dricons 2,165,769.00

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