Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Klos 186 526 1,338,834,453 397 1,171,338,102 1,076,122,784

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Klos Shpenzime per aktivitete Kulturore 65,500 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Kolaudim rikonst.e mirembajtje kanale vaditese te Bashkise Klos 5,031 Signed the Contract NET-GROUP 1,000.00
Local Unit Klos Mbikqyrje ndertim sifoni Fullqet 55,293 Signed the Contract
Local Unit Klos Mobilim i zyrave ne ish Komunen Klos 383,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Sherbime publikimit 291,666 Signed the Contract VANI 280,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje çimento 2,100,000 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Klos Pjese kembimi,goma bateri 197,292 Signed the Contract EDMOND XHINDI 169,000.00
Local Unit Klos Ndertim muresh ne rrugen mishter 799,949 Signed the Contract ALVORA 689,800.00
Local Unit Klos Saldime dhe riparime 333,189 Signed the Contract ERIDION 278,990.00
Local Unit Klos Rik.xhami te vjetra 581,756 Signed the Contract DEDJA-2006 450,100.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje materiale per puntoret 104,500 Signed the Contract NIRUPA   93,000.00
Local Unit Klos Sherbime publikimit 291,666 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Blerje nafte 6,554,166 Signed the Contract VERINA Marzh fitimi 11 %
Local Unit Klos Rikonstruksion e mirëmbjatje Kanale vaditëse të Bashkisë Klos 3,340,833 Signed the Contract ALB LEAA INTERNATIONAL SHPK 3,191,147.00
Local Unit Klos NENI 8 RREZIQET E SIPERMARRESIT 8.1 Sipermarresi ka per detyre te perballoje te gjitha shpenzimet qe mund te dalin nga data e fillimit te sjellesjes se mallit e deri ne perfundim dhe do te perballoje rreziqet per shkak te demtimeve personale,vdekjes dh 126,400 Signed the Contract ALI VESELI 108,900.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje mat. Per sherbime ne ujesjelles 311,880 Signed the Contract Ilir Dedolli 219,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje mat. Per mirmb. E amb. Arsimit 196,500 Signed the Contract Herjol Xhagolli 145,500.00
Local Unit Klos Mbikqyrje rikonstruksion e mirembajtje kanale vaditese te Bashkise Klos 48,635 Signed the Contract NET-GROUP 20,000.00
Local Unit Klos Ushqim per kopshtet 800,000 Signed the Contract VLADIMIR KROSI 780,000.00
Local Unit Klos Sherbim i pastrimit ne Fshatra 410,000 Signed the Contract Agjencia Shqiptare e Punësimit - Albanian Employment Agency 350,000.00
Local Unit Klos Uniformat e policise 150,000 Signed the Contract "Josh’s Tex” sh.p.k 124,900.00
Local Unit Klos Pjese kembimi,goma bateri 173,194 Signed the Contract Besnik Meçi 148,900.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje kontinjeresh mbeturinash per qytetin Klos 500,000 Signed the Contract ALMA BUNDO 421,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje materiale per puntoret 104,500 Signed the Contract Dritan Xheka 80,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje materiale elektrike 124,995 Signed the Contract ALI VESELI 98,600.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje nafte 5,000,000 Signed the Contract VERINA Marzh fitimi 6 %
Local Unit Klos Rikonstruksion ndertesa ne ish Komunen Klos 264,716 Signed the Contract Oltjan Dautaj 152,000
Local Unit Klos Emergjencë pastrim dhe largim dherash e hapje rrugësh të Bashkisë Announced the Winner UNION GROUP 2000 SHPK 994,013.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje nafte 500,000 Signed the Contract "RUÇI" Marzh fitimi 15 %
Local Unit Klos Pjese kembimi,goma bateri 350,000 Signed the Contract EDMOND XHINDI 235,000

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