Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Klos 186 526 1,338,834,453 397 1,171,338,102 1,076,122,784

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Klos Studime hidrologjike per burimet ujore 168,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Mbikqyrje krijimi I rrjetit kompjuterik per zyren me nje ndalese 93,600 Signed the Contract ERALD-G SHPK 40,000.00
Local Unit Klos Office furnishing 931,000 Signed the Contract RO-AL SHPK 720,500.00
Local Unit Klos Udhetim Turistik 500,000 Signed the Contract A. T. H. S. 435,200.00
Local Unit Klos Ndërtim aks rruge në Fshatra 9,247,731 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled
Local Unit Klos Sherbim interneti per zyrat me nje ndalese 92,400 Signed the Contract ABISSNET 89,000.00
Local Unit Klos Rikonstruksion ish Zyrat e Komunës Klos 2,213,768 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Klos Purchase of machinery and purchase of two trucks. Limit Fund for machineries is ALL 3,333,333 excluding VAT, while for trucks the limit fund is ALL 4833 333, funded by specific transfers for 2016 and 2017 8,166,670 Signed the Contract R&R GROUP-SPARKLE 32 SHPK 8,100,000.00
Local Unit Klos Hapje aksi rruga shkalle 416,924 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos F.V rrethimi i kopshtit Klos 151,533 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Blerje xhami 139,700 Signed the Contract ELKO SHPK 88,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje materialesh per pompen PLezhë 125,030 Signed the Contract ELKO SHPK 85,000.00
Local Unit Klos Furniture of one stop office 2,325,500 Signed the Contract RO-AL SHPK 2,206,000.00
Local Unit Klos FV Dyer duralumini per banjot e shkollave 305,116 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Klos Hartim plan-rilevimi për rregjistrim pasurie 234,000 Signed the Contract HMK - Consulting 230,000.00
Local Unit Klos Ndërtim sifoni dhe kalim me tuba çeliku, kanali vaditës Fshat 781,910 Signed the Contract EGLAND SHPK 590,000.00
Local Unit Klos Shpenzime transporti për punonjësit mësimorë dhe nxënësit 1,638,000 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Klos Oil purchases for the army bulldozers 833,333 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract AZ Distribution 833,333.00
Local Unit Klos Sherbim per ngrohje dru zjarri arsimi 416,666 Signed the Contract Bardhyl Lamçe  369,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blereje uniformash dhe veshje speciale 93,600 Signed the Contract Bardhyl Lamçe  95,000.00
Local Unit Klos Construction of Mishter road axes - Financed from Klos Municipality Budget 2,499,840 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2,097,743.00
Local Unit Klos Ndërtim strukture mbrojtese për këmbën dhe shpatullat e Urës së Degës 2,434,000 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2401681.66666667
Local Unit Klos Reconstruction of One Stop Shop office 2,595,080 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 1,831,587.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje kripe dhe skorje 412,980 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 370,000.00
Local Unit Klos Ndertim Ujesjellesi Lagja Kujtim 93,600 Announced Procurement Edvin Popa 105,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje materiale per ujesjellesat 132,100 Signed the Contract Edvin Popa 89,000.00
Local Unit Klos Shpenzime per pritje percjellje dhe Shpenzime per aktivitete kulturore 145,300 Signed the Contract Arben Abasllari 129,000.00
Local Unit Klos Sherbime te printimit dhe publikimit (Publikime Media TV) 200,000 Signed the Contract VANI 199,900.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje uniforma dhe veshje speciale 93,600 Signed the Contract BLERINA SADIKU  99,000.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje vaj dhe goma 166,700 Signed the Contract Arben Abasllari 149,000.00

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