Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Pukë 185 738 1,015,609,634 489 874,907,877 847,423,165

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip Fadrome(biollorus)JCB dhe Fiat Alias , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip Fadrome(biollorus)JCB dhe Fiat Alias , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Rehabilitimi i Diges Rezervuarit Puke-Bashkia Puke 23,333,333 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract NIKA SHPK & STERKAJ SHPK 15,705,746.00
Local Unit Pukë Optimizimi i rrjetit te ujesjellesit per Qytetin e Pukes “Sistemimit me matje i konsumatoreve (abonenteve" familjare dhe jo familjare ne qytetin puke dhe lagjet periferike. 77,955,000 Signed the Contract ''K.A.E.XH.'' SH.P.K. & ALMO KONSTRUKSION 77,215,481.00
Local Unit Pukë Rikonstruksion i pjesshem i rruges auto fshati Dush, Njesia Administrative Luf-Qerret, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract DELIA IMPEX 500,000
Local Unit Pukë Rikonstruksion i pjesshem i rruges auto fshati Prozhem, Njesia Administrative Rrape, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract ALVORA 267,500
Local Unit Pukë Rikonstruksion i pjesshem i rruges auto fshati Kabash, Njesia Administrative Rrape, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract DELIA IMPEX 500,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje baze materiale per rehabilitimin e ish-godines se ish-Shish, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Doris Doku 187,000
Local Unit Pukë Sherbime ne kanalin vadites,kullures fshati Kalivare, Njesia Administrative Gjegjan, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract KONSTRUKSION 04 SHPK 385,000
Local Unit Pukë Sherbime ne kanalin vadites,kullures fshati Dedaj, Njesia Administrative Qelez, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract B93 II 215,300
Local Unit Pukë Riparim i Urave, Njesia Administrative Qelez, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract BENA-THANZA 220,000
Local Unit Pukë Sherbime ne rrugen e Mesulit fshati Kabash, Njesia Administrative Gjegjan, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract ALVORA 125,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje paisje per zyra , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit,KOMJUTER DHE PRINTER Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 0.00
Local Unit Pukë Blerje drita dekor Bashkia Puke, sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Edmond Cara 89,700
Local Unit Pukë Furnizim me gaz te lengshem per Institucioni, Bashkia Puke , sipas preventivit Signed the Contract KASTRATI 97,470
Local Unit Pukë Blerje kancelari dhe bojra , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract PRO-NARDI 47,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje frigorifer banak , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract PRO-NARDI 30,990
Local Unit Pukë Riparime ne rrugen auto Blinisht(Lagjia Prroni i zi,masstene) ,Njesia Administrative Rrape-Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract ALVORA 463,200
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale qe duhet per rikonstruksionin e Shkolles se Mesme Qelez,Njesia Administrative Qelez-Bashkia Puke Signed the Contract Jueli 198,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje produkte ushqimore per institucionet e, Bashkise Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje produkte ushqimore per institucionet e, Bashkise Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Tufik Kurti 800,000
Local Unit Pukë Riparime ne rrugen auto Buhot i eper,Njesia Administrative Rrape-Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim per prerje, transport dru zjarri per institucionet e Bashkise Puke, sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Oltjan Dautaj 748,600
Local Unit Pukë Blerje printer per zyre, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Endrit Uligaj 26,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje goma,bateri per mjetet e Bashkise Puke, sipas preventivit Signed the Contract JUPITER GROUP 75,000
Local Unit Pukë Rikonstruksion (furnizim vendosje dyer dhe dritare,Bashkia Puke , sipas preventivit Signed the Contract EVIS CARA 287,900
Local Unit Pukë Vendosjen e zonave te shijimit ne familjet perfituese te projektit Kuzhina lokale Mali i Zi-Shqiperi,Bashkia Puke 2,000,000 Announced the Winner BREDHI - BR 1,975,225.00
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 28,900
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip Fadrome(biollorus)JCB, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim per prerje, transport dru zjarri per institucionet e Bashkise Puke, sipas preventivit Announced Procurement

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