Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Pukë 185 737 1,014,509,634 489 874,907,877 847,423,165

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Edmond Cara 20,000
Local Unit Pukë Blerje Uniforma per Policine Bashkiake, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract AMEL - E. Z 84,900
Local Unit Pukë Blerje paisje per zyra , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Taulant Çoku 98,000
Local Unit Pukë Riparim i Sistemit te Vaditjes ,Fshati Gojan i Vogel,Njesia Administrative Gjegjan Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Edmond Cara 278,700
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje lule dekorative, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Edmond Cara 75,800
Local Unit Pukë Blerje produkte ushqimore per pjesmarrsit ne Festivalin Mbarkombetare te Talenteve te rinj , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract NIKA SHPK 152,000
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim darke per te ftuar per aktivitetin e festivalit Mbarkombetar ne Qytetin e Pukes Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim darke per te ftuar per aktivitetin e festivalit Mbarkombetar ne Qytetin e Pukes Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale dekori per aktivitetin e festivalit Mbarkombetar te talenteve te rinje ne Qytetin e Pukes Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje bojra per printer dhe fotokopje , Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Adenis Kastrati 277,800
Local Unit Pukë Siguracion Mjeti ML 270, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë 1. Siguracion Mjeti ML 270, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Siguracion Mjeti ML 270 ,Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Siguracion Mjeti ML 270 ,Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje material per sherbime Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract "TRADE-INVEST" 196,000
Local Unit Pukë Siguracion Mjeti ML 270 ,Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Siguracion Mjeti ML 270 ,Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Loti 1: Blerje Gazoil deri ne 10 ppm 4,281,250 Signed the Contract KASTRATI 12.7 % Marzh fitimi.
Local Unit Pukë Loti 2: Blerje Benzin pa plumb 385,000 Signed the Contract KASTRATI 12.70 % Marzh fitimi.
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip Saurer,Zjarrifkesia, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Tufik Kurti 102,500
Local Unit Pukë Blerje material tuba gome 3/4 Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Olsi Motors 16,000
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim rrjetizimi Slow Food (takime,tarifa) Signed the Contract GRIFIN ALBANIA 198,000
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip Saurer,Zjarrifkesia, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim fotografik profesionale per guide,pankarta dhe fletushka (A1,A4),Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim fotografik profesionale per guide,pankarta dhe fletushka (A1,A4),Bashkia Puke Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Pasqyrim te veprimtarive te Bashkise Puke ne tv lokal PTV Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Sherbim rrjetizimi Slow Food (takime,tarifa) Announced Procurement
Local Unit Pukë Blerje materiale per sherbime Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract Edmond Cara 224,500
Local Unit Pukë Servis mjeti tip ML 270, Bashkia Puke sipas preventivit Signed the Contract LUXODE STUDIO (ish " NOVAKTI") 103,000

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