Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Dimal 180 368 3,231,314,108 282 2,664,971,720 2,312,368,448

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Dimal Blerje paisje elektronike për zyra (kompjuter, printer) Signed the Contract ALEKS KOLA 345,000
Local Unit Dimal Blerje paisje elektronike për zyra (kompjuter, printer) Signed the Contract ALEKS KOLA 345,000
Local Unit Dimal Siguracion i mjeteve të transportit Signed the Contract ANSIG 43,900
Local Unit Dimal Blerje pemë dekorative Signed the Contract Besnik Çera 545,000
Local Unit Dimal Blerje paisje elektronike për zyra (kompjuter, printer). Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje Gazoil D 1 per nevojat e Ujesjelles Kanalizime Sh.A Ura Vajguroe 1,362,643 Signed the Contract A&T - O L S I SHPK 7.44 % marsh fitimi.
Local Unit Dimal Blerje materiale pastrimi Signed the Contract Arsiva Subashi 159,000
Local Unit Dimal Blerje pajisje dhe orendi për kopshtin me drekë Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 378,900
Local Unit Dimal Kanali ujites BRU-15 Manastir dhe ushqyesi i rezervuarit 19,815,293 Signed the Contract FLED SHPK- SHKELQIMI 07 18,882,900.00
Local Unit Dimal Ndertim KUZ lagjia "18 Tetori" Dafinat Ura Vajgurore 1,247,540 Signed the Contract SARK SHPK 1,043,465.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje materiale pastrimi Signed the Contract SOKOL ROKAJ 159,000
Local Unit Dimal Supervizim Kanali i ujitjes BRU-15 Manastir dhe ushqyesi i rezervuarit, Urë Vajgurore Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje DIESEL D1 1,362,643 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje Gazoil D 1 per nevojat e Ujesjelles Sh.A Ura Vajgurore 1,362,643 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Supervizim «Rehabilitimi i KU-Protoduar dhe Mbilartesim i kanalit ujites KU-30 Samatice » Signed the Contract MCE 40,500
Local Unit Dimal Mirembajtje mjetesh. 1,089,813 Signed the Contract "IL - AD" Company 934,020.00
Local Unit Dimal Sigurim kasko i mjeteve te transportit. Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Rikonstruksion i Rrjeteve shperndares te Ujesjellesit ne Bashkine Ura Vajgurore 73,092,476 Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled
Local Unit Dimal Sigurim kasko i mjeteve te transportit Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Mbikeqyrje per objektin : Rikonstruksion sheshi lagjia "18 Tetori" Ura Vajgurore Signed the Contract NATASHA MYRTAJ 577,800
Local Unit Dimal Supervizim "Rikualifikimi urban dhe krijimi i ambjenteve te Rekreacionit ne fshatin Donofrose". Signed the Contract NATASHA MYRTAJ 198,200
Local Unit Dimal Supervizimper objektin "Rikonstruksion shkolles 9-vjecare Azbi Shehu Samatice » Signed the Contract LEAD CONSULTING 564,000
Local Unit Dimal Rikualifikimi urban dhe krijimi i ambjenteve te Rekreacionit ne fshatin Donofrose 8,264,954 Signed the Contract RAFIN COMPANY SHPK 8,117,187.00
Local Unit Dimal Rikonstruksion sheshi lagjia "18 Tetori" Ura Vajgurore 30,574,691 Signed the Contract "KOLOSEU" shpk & "TOTILA" shpk & "FLED" shpk 29.998.925
Local Unit Dimal Rehabilitimi i KU-Protoduar dhe Mbilartesim i kanalit ujites KU-30 Samatice 2,004,775 Announced the Winner FLED SHPK 1,684,500.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje materiale elektrike Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Hartim projekt-preventiv Urat mbi lumin Osum 5,833,333 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INFRA - PLAN 5,550,000
Local Unit Dimal Ndertim KUZ lagjia "18 Tetori" Dafinat Ura 1,247,540 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje materiale ndertimore 972,303 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract Sinani Trading  SHPK ( ish M B KURTI shpk) 972,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Kanali ujites BRU-15 Manastir dhe ushqyesi i rezervuarit 19,815,293 Cancelled Procurement

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