Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Selenicë 199 525 2,329,265,552 386 1,925,042,495 1,768,553,640

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Selenicë Punime rehabilituese në rrjetin ujitës Drashovicë - Armen dhe Shkozë, Sevaster 11,176,780 Announced the Winner 2Z KONSTRUKSION SHPK 11,176,780.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Boje printeri 35,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Riparim Volvo ECR 88 + 200,000 Signed the Contract Artur Goga 170,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Vegla pune 200,000 Signed the Contract FLAMUR SHAHAJ 170,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Vegla pune 200,000 Signed the Contract Besmir Abedinaj 180,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë vaj e filtra 300,000 Signed the Contract Artur Goga 244,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Materiale elektrike 300,000 Signed the Contract Nazim Dervishi 159,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Shërbimi i pastrimit në Bashkinë Selenicë 65,000,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Studim projektime 2,000,000 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë objekti me qira 400,000 Signed the Contract
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Kanceleri 2018 185,613 Signed the Contract ANA 2001. 159,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje materiale ndertimi 2,892,010 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract MEGA-PLAST-2L 2,815,500.00
Local Unit Selenicë Furnizim vendosje pompe elektronike fshati Mavrove njesia administrative Kote 1,860,000 Signed the Contract MIKAEL GRUP SHPK 1,849,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Bleerje pjese kembimi 240,000 Signed the Contract KADIU 192,000
Local Unit Selenicë Leter fomat fotokopje e kancileri 200,000 Signed the Contract InfoSoft Office 129,616
Local Unit Selenicë blerje komjutera printera 400,000 Signed the Contract FAT GROUP 260,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Gazoil 800,000 Signed the Contract F.S.T 742,708
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Kanceleri 150,000 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje bojra per fotokopje e printera 400,000 Signed the Contract ANA 2001. 31,700
Local Unit Selenicë vegla e pajisje pune 400,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 189,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Gazoil D1 800,000 Signed the Contract D&J 799,980
Local Unit Selenicë Mjet ngarkimi per pune publike 800,000 Signed the Contract Artur Goga 750,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje kartolina dhe shtypshkrime 100,000 Signed the Contract TRIPTIK 63,500
Local Unit Selenicë Studim projektim i veprave kulluese e ujitëse në Bashkinë Selenicë 3,855,600 Announced the Winner SELAS 2,000,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje automjete tip vinç 2,900,000 Signed the Contract ERMIAL TRUCKS SHPK 2,850,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje skrep me kove para dhe mbas 3,500,000 Signed the Contract NENAJ 3,445,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Kokteil m,e rastin e nbylljes fund viti 236,000 Signed the Contract Denis Goga 178,000
Local Unit Selenicë materiale hidraulke 190,000 Signed the Contract T & P SH P K 145,555
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje dru zjarri 4,218,750 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 4,173,750.00
Local Unit Selenicë Riparim i stacionit të pompimt Lubonje 1,299,800 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SARK SHPK 1,108,000.00

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