Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Selenicë 199 525 2,329,265,552 386 1,925,042,495 1,768,553,640

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Selenicë Supervizim sistemim asfaltim i rruges Shkolle e mesme Qender Signed the Contract H.C.E-17 182,000
Local Unit Selenicë Sherbim pastrimi e largim materiale te ngurta Signed the Contract Erlind Asllani 315,000
Local Unit Selenicë Rehabilitim , sistemim asfaltim i rruges Shkolla e mesme Qender 32,556,450 Signed the Contract B93 II Shpk - B 93 SHPK 30,916,320.00
Local Unit Selenicë Mbikqyrje suopervizim kanali pete Mavrove Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Rrul rrugesh. 1,500,000 Cancelled Procurement A.K.M ALBANIAN INVESTMENT GROUP 1,278,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje gazoil Signed the Contract F.S.T 6.00
Local Unit Selenicë Mjet trasporti me tre akse ne dispozicion per 100 dite pune se bashku me shoferin Signed the Contract Artur Goga 566,000
Local Unit Selenicë kancileri Signed the Contract Pavli Buzo 174,000
Local Unit Selenicë Rehabilitim ikanalit nga rezervuari Petes Pjesor kryesot , dega Mavrove 15,434,712 Signed the Contract SHENDELLI SHPK 15,424,267.00
Local Unit Selenicë Aparate e pajisje teknike (Pompe uji) Signed the Contract A.K.M ALBANIAN INVESTMENT GROUP 322,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje projekte 5,608,000 Announced the Winner C.E.C GROUP SHPK 5,547,500.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Dru Zjarri 1,826,650 Signed the Contract LESKAJ 1,815,100
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Gazoil D1 Janare 2019 Signed the Contract FJORTES SHPK 709,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Karburant GazoilD1 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Studim projektim i perroit otim per mbrojtjen e qytetit nga permbytjet 5,608,344 Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje automjet zjarrfikse 3,200,000 Signed the Contract TIMAK 3,150,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Materiale elektrike Signed the Contract Marija Kovi 320,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Materiale Signed the Contract T & P SH P K 222,222.00
Local Unit Selenicë Rihabilitim ura dhe mbrojtje nga erozioni Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 677,770.00
Local Unit Selenicë Materiale ndertimi 5,188,500 Signed the Contract SARDO SHPK 5,126,300.00
Local Unit Selenicë Supervizim ura dhe mure mbrojtes Signed the Contract XH & MILER 118,100.00
Local Unit Selenicë Rikonstruksion ura dhe mure mbajtes 11,500,000 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 11,250,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë supervizim i kanalit vadites Dushkarak Signed the Contract SELAS 60,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje boje printeri&fotokopje Signed the Contract Denis Goga 100,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Mirmbajtje Automjeti Tetore 2018 Signed the Contract Erlind Asllani 118,900.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje materiale hidraulike Signed the Contract T2.COMPANY 350,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje rere bituminoze Signed the Contract Artur Goga 400,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë riparim e lyerje shkolle Signed the Contract SIQECA 165,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë kostume sportive Signed the Contract AMEL - E. Z 150,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Mirembajtje e riparim rruge Lapardha Signed the Contract EDI - 78 349,000.00

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