Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Selenicë 199 525 2,329,265,552 386 1,925,042,495 1,768,553,640

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Makineri (Aparat Saldimi per ngjitje kok me kok tubo Pe ,Ppr Rvdf ) Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Hipokloret Kalciumi Plohure 60% klore aktiv Signed the Contract ATLANTIK 3 787,500
Local Unit Selenicë Punime ne ujembledhesin e vllahines Signed the Contract Dritan Xheka 140,000
Local Unit Selenicë Studim projektim i Rikonstruksionit te linjes shperndarese te ujesjellsit Selenice lagja e çobaneve , Armen , Kote Signed the Contract REAN 95 104,650
Local Unit Selenicë Riparim Automjeti .. Shtatore 2019 Signed the Contract NOVAAKTI 157,000
Local Unit Selenicë Detergjent pastrimi Signed the Contract ANBIM 122,250
Local Unit Selenicë organizimi i eventit festes Drashovice Signed the Contract Erlind Asllani 189,000
Local Unit Selenicë Leter fotokppje boje printeri e kancileri Signed the Contract Adenis Kastrati 188,700
Local Unit Selenicë Objekt me qera per zyra Signed the Contract Garito Sholla 187,200
Local Unit Selenicë Objekt me qira zjarrfikse Signed the Contract KRENAR HOXHAJ 348,000
Local Unit Selenicë Marje objekti me qera Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Kanceleri 2019 Signed the Contract 0.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Kancelerie Signed the Contract Anadea 190,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Gazoil- Qershore 2019 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje Gazoil - Qershore 2019 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje kanceleri 2019 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Supervizim ure qe lidh fshatin Mallkeq me fshatin Lezhan Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Ndertim Ure ne fshatin Mallkeq - Lezhan dhe rikonstruksion i pasareles fshati Vodice 4,897,091 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO & BEQIRI SHPK 4,870,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje materiale hidraulike 2,000,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ALEN - CO 1,680,225
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje pjese kembimi(furnizim vendosje ) 2,000,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 1,802,500
Local Unit Selenicë Punime te ndryshme mjet ne dispozicion Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 777,000
Local Unit Selenicë Riparim stacioni uji shkoze dhe riparim stacioni uji i pijshme Armen 1,479,400 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 1,330,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Rehabilitim i pjesshem i rrjetit kullues Shkoze sevaster 9,908,222 Signed the Contract ASI-2A CO 9,866,717.00
Local Unit Selenicë furnizim vendosje materiale elektrike Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Mbikqyrje supervizim i kanalit shkozw Sevaster Signed the Contract SELAS 178,348
Local Unit Selenicë Siupervizim i riparimt te ujit te pijshem Armen dhe stacionit te ujit shkoze Signed the Contract XH & MILER 26,622
Local Unit Selenicë Materiale speciale e specifike Signed the Contract FLAMUR SHAHAJ 270,000
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje karburant(nafte, vaj Benzine) 19,000,000 Signed the Contract FJORTES SHPK 13.5 % Marzh fitimi.
Local Unit Selenicë Pjesekembimi rrota bateri Announced Procurement
Local Unit Selenicë Mirembajtje ndertesa shkolla materiale hidraulike Announced Procurement

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