Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Qeverisja Vendore Dimal 180 368 3,231,314,108 282 2,664,971,720 2,312,368,448

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Dimal Mirembajtje e sistemit te integruar informatik per sherbimet e Bashkise 23,334,000 Announced the Winner HELIUS SYSTEMS 22,700,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Ndertimi i godines se Bashkise 108,333,333 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Permiresim kullote ne fshatin Bistrovice 207,139,030 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Rikonstruksioni i rrugës Qamicë 16,666,666 Announced the Winner KOLOSEU shpk & FLED shpk 14,980,700.00
Local Unit Dimal Rikonstruksioni i rrugës Hingë 16,666,666 Announced the Winner TOTILA SHPK & “METEO” SHPK 15,865,079.00
Local Unit Dimal Mbrojtje lumore në zonën e Dafinave, Bashkia Dimal 22,298,524 Announced the Winner ARDMIR” shpk & “ULZA”shpk 21,527,480.00
Local Unit Dimal Përmirësimi i banesave ekzistuese për komunitete të varfra dhe të pa favorizuara 21,167,717 Announced the Winner AVDULI SHPK 18,179,213.00
Local Unit Dimal Mbikqyrje per proceduren me objekt""Mbrojtje lumore ne zonen e dafinave-Bashkia Dimal" 583,246 Announced the Winner HTS COMPANY 533618.53
Local Unit Dimal Blerje peme 1,475,800 Announced the Winner EUGEN ISLAMI 1,300,400.00
Local Unit Dimal Rimbushje dhe kolaudim i fikseve te zjarrit 195,000 Announced the Winner BLINFIRE 120,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje mat pastrimi 300,000 Announced the Winner ANBIM 173,500.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje mat pastrimi Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje mat pastrimi Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje rimorkiator per transport mjete 1,650,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 1,595,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Mbikqyrje per objektin"Vazhdim i shtreses asfaltike ne rrugen Drenovice-Bashkia Dimal" 163,374 Announced the Winner XH & MILER 136647.13
Local Unit Dimal Shpenzime siguracioni per mjetet e Institucionit 500,000 Announced the Winner SIGAL UNIQA GROUP AUSTRIA 500,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Pajisje mobileri arsimi bazë 2,690,200 Signed the Contract M. LEZHA SHPK 1,833,500.00
Local Unit Dimal “Vazhdimi i shtresës së asfaltit në rrugën Drenovicë” 7,496,000 Announced the Winner G & M CONSTRUCTION 07 sh.p.k 7,462,119.00
Local Unit Dimal Ndërtim kanalesh vaditës fshati Goriçan 38,429,776 Announced the Winner “2 AF” sh.p.k, & Z D R A V A Sh.p.k, & KUPA Sh.p.k 37,405,260.00
Local Unit Dimal Shpenzime siguracioni per mjetet e Institucionit Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Mbikqyrje e objektit""Vazhdim i shtreses asfaltike ne fshatin Drenovice-Bashkia Dimal" Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Mbikqyrje per objektin""Ndertim kanalesh vadites ne fshatin Gorican-Bashkia Dimal"" 797,147 Announced the Winner M.A.K Studio 709861.41
Local Unit Dimal Shpenzime siguracioni per mjetet e Institucionit Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal Blerje mjete zjarrefikese 4,041,666 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 4,800,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje mat ndertimore cakull 3,858,467 Signed the Contract ARDMIR 3,536,400.00
Local Unit Dimal Rehabilitimi i saracineskes se ujeleshuesit te Rezervuarit Malas Grope 196,074 Announced the Winner ATOPI 188,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Kolaudim i objektit "Rikonstruksion rruge Drenovice-Bashkia Dimal 46,075 Announced the Winner XH & MILER 38001.93
Local Unit Dimal Blerje Kancelari 650,000 Announced the Winner InfoSoft Office 510,000.00
Local Unit Dimal Blerje pajisje elektronike zyre Cancelled Procurement
Local Unit Dimal STUDIM PROJEKTIM LLINXHA FAZA E DYTË DHE PDV, ZONZ ZE3.3 4,166,666 Signed the Contract HTS COMPANY sh.p.k & INSTITUTI DEKLIADA - ALB sh.p.k 3,700,000.00

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